Low GPA, need your opinions please


Hello all,

I graduated with a non-nursing degree in 2003 and GPA at the time of graduation was 2.6 (Yeah, I messed that one up pretty well). After 2 years of soul searching I have decided to join the medical profession. I realized that my GPA was pathetic so I joined a post-bacc program that was designed to help those who already graduated with a degree but in need of science prereq courses in order to apply to med schools and other medical professions. I have taken 2 semester's worth of basic science courses under that program and maintained 3.91 GPA. From what I know, the program is also suppose to help raise my overall GPA to further better my chances at being accepted. My goal is to finish my current program, fulfill my science req. and apply to nursing schools. Even if my undergrad. GPA was really low, if I continue to get A's in science courses (By the end of the program, I would have completed about 40 credits - physics, bio, chem, organic chem, anat and physiology, plus labs, etc), do you think I have a good chance of being accepted? Any feed back would be helpful. Thanks for your time.

Specializes in ICCU - cardiac.


Your 2.6 GPA is from years ago ( it's not like it was a 1.6! ) and you have brought it up alot so I wouldn't worry about it. Check out the different GPA requmts. at the schools you are looking into and then talk to a counselor if you are still concerned. My school requires a 2.7 but a BSN program might have a higher standard depending upon the competitiveness or NCLEX pass rate. But it looks like u are in good shape anyhow. Hope this helps and Good Luck

..., do you think I have a good chance of being accepted? Any feed back would be helpful. Thanks for your time.


Including your new post-bacc total, what is your current GPA?

You might want to contact the nursing schools you are interested it right now and see if they can do a transcript evaluation of your older degree/classes and newer post-bacc credit hours. You may find that many of them will take you sooner rather than later if you have all the pre-reqs.

Having that previosu degree opens up a few possibilities- Direct-entry Graduate programs, Second degree BSN's and ADN/Diploma prgrams.

Sure, nursing school addmissions is competitive, but if you keep your options open (moving to another state), do your research (pre-reqs, GPA, etc), talk to admissions counselors and pick the RIGHT school you can get in.

Oh, and Congrats on doing so well in your post bacc. :balloons:

I guess it would depend on the school you are applying to. Some weigh heavily on Entrance Exam scores and overall GPA. Whereas others may give you more consideration for the high grades in the science related courses. Either way, just keep plugging away at getting better grades and it will pay off. Good luck to you.

As long you can demonstrate you are making progress, I dont think you need to worry to much. You are doing great now, so keep it up.

Specializes in Level III cardiac/telemetry.

I had this problem as well (only I didn't end up with a bachelors but have over 120 hours and 2 associates!). Because the colleges around here are so competetive, my solution was to do an LPN program and then do LPN-RN or LPN-BSN bridge program because they are much less competetive. I know this isn't the solution for everybody, but it's working for me and I was able to get in to the LPN program at least a year sooner than I would have for the RN. I think the important thing now is do keep doing well in those science classes!

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

hi, nxs!

i'm looking at my transcript from the university where i got my bsn. it shows that they gave me 119 credits in transfer and broke them down according to how many credits were satisfying the various categories. none of my grades are shown. the only time my gpa starts showing up is when i start taking classes at their university and it is based totally on the grades i got for the classes i took there.

now, before you get all worried about your gpa you need to know how they are computing it. some schools only compute your gpa based on the grades you got in the classes that they transfer over. some compute your gpa on specific pre-requisites only. you have to find out how they are computing the gpa. sometimes this information is given in the college catalogs. in any case, i wouldn't let my previous gpas stop me from applying. let the admission clerks in the nursing colleges compute your gpa however their little hearts desire. if it's not good enough for their school--fine--apply to another school. there are enough nursing schools with so many different admission requirements that i am sure there is one who is willing to take you with your gpa as is.

welcome to allnurses! :welcome:

What state are you planning to apply? Some school doesn't look into GPA if you already have >2.5. I was in the same situation. So i submitted the transcripts from Junior College schools which has all of the pre-reqs classes.

Hi NXS - I was in the SAME position! I have a Business degree with a GPA like yours ......but since I've buckled down and finished all my prereq's for Nursing school I have a 4.0!! I've been accepted at the Junior College for their program and I all they needed was a 2.5. However, when I inquired about an accelerated BSN program they were pretty insistent on atleast a 3.0. I didn't really live near that school so I didn't persue the matter further.

I would check admissions policy of the school you want to go to. Wherever you choose to go...keep up the hard work on your high GPA. If you are like me, my new GPA provides great satisfaction and gives me confidence. I know I'm studying something I love and it shows!

Good luck!

Specializes in OB.

All the nursing schools around me (Tampa Bay area) are incredibly competitive and/or have tremendous waiting lists. However, the accelerated BSN at USF is not as competitive as their regular upper-division program. Since I have a BA that is how I got in to nursing school as schools wouldn't even look at me before I graduated - they tell you not even to apply if your GPA is less than 3.6! My cum. GPA is 3.43 and I got into the ABSN program at USF while you need at least a 3.7 to get into upper-division if you don't already have a bachelors. So in your area def. check into the accelerated 2nd bach programs. Now that your GPA is higher from your post-bacc program you'll have a lot better chance with a lot of schools.

You should check with program(s) youre interested in. Not exactly your situation, but when I was considering a 2nd bachelors before applying, one grad program told me that my GPA for admission purposes would be the GPA in the last 2 years of my first bachelors.

I just started a post answering this question. I know people who had 3.15 GPA's and were accepted (ADN). Maybe even lower. If it doesn't, take the courses you did poorly in over again. Most schools allow you to replace grades.

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