Published Aug 22, 2010
58 Posts
I am about to purchase the all black Littmann Cardiology III stethoscope. However, it only comes in 27'' not 22''. I was just wondering what is everyone's preference? I will begin my nursing program in October. Thanks everyone!
165 Posts
My dad just got me this.. I LOVE IT. I got the 27' and I cant imagine getting it shorter so I would def go with the 27"!
68 Posts
This is the stethoscope that I have and it works great. I bought mine on bc it was the cheapest and they have coupon codes as well. And they do free engraving!
22 Posts
Go for the 27" length without thinking twice. I wouldn't want it any shorter; the shorter the 'scope, the closer your face has to be to someone. Not too awkward until you're checking for bowel sounds, and then it's just weird. :)
ImThatGuy, BSN, RN
2,139 Posts
Those extra five inches are good. I think a three foot tube would be nice. There are some people you do not want to put your face around, lol.
Thanks everyone! I didn't think about listening to bowel sounds... up close and personal.. I can't wait to get it!
559 Posts
While that 5" will be nice to have, you will hear better with the 22" - the less distance sound has to travel the more clear it is.
162 Posts
Its not the length that matters, it all depends on the quality of the tubing.
That Guy, BSN, RN, EMT-B
3,421 Posts
Seriously though I have the 22" on my master classic II and I like how it doesnt hang off my neck too far on either side. I dont feel that I am ever too close to my pt when assessing either.
9 Posts
I've got a classic II and a Master Cardiology, both 27". With a Card III, if you can't hear what you need to from 27", you should get your ears checked. This is one of the top scopes out there, you shouldn't have any trouble. Those who bemoan the extra 5" of tubing are like audio purists who want LP records instead of Cds "because the sound is better" It's in the ears, not the scope. Go electronic if you're that concerned.
95 Posts
I once pondered the Card III and ways willing to pay the price. But then I realized that I am not a physician and do not need such a pricey scope.
I'll take an UltraScope over a Littmanns any day. I can hear a BP over a sweatshirt in back of a moving ambulance which I can not hear with my Littmanns Classic II.