Libertarian Healthcare

Nurses Activism


I'm a libertarian nurse. Ask me anything.

Specializes in Critical Care.

It's a bit difficult to discuss the specific libertarian ideals you feel would benefit nursing and health care in general since you haven't really offered any, maybe you could offer an example.

Specializes in Critical Care.
What spawned this post? I'm a libertarian nurse who feels that the increasingly centralized control of healthcare is a bad thing. That's not enough?

Maybe you could be more specific?

Specializes in Epic Trainer, Med/Surg, Psych.

I'm not a new nurse or libertarian. I am new to allnurses. And yes ask me anything.

What's the difference between libertarianism and anarchy? How can we restrain the natural greed of unfettered free markets from impinging on the human right to health and access to care? Why do I automatically hear the two peasants from Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grail bickering about watery tarts and ratification by a simple majority for purely internal matters?

I'm not a new nurse or libertarian. I am new to allnurses. And yes ask me anything.

Now I'm confused. In your first post you said you were a libertarian nurse. So you're not a libertarian but a libertarian nurse? You're only libertarian when it comes to your views about healthcare?

Specializes in Epic Trainer, Med/Surg, Psych.

Here is the Libertarian Party on healthcare. Not all libertarians are party members and they may have different views. My view is that the system were are instituting now has no way to assess the value of the services and products being used because of the elimination of market cues. This is what causes economic disasters like the one unraveling in Venezuela right now. Bread lines in the Soviet Union is another result of this kind of planning.

So all you're here to do is give us links, instead of actually discussing the questions? That blows.

Specializes in Epic Trainer, Med/Surg, Psych.

Your confusion confuses me.

Specializes in Epic Trainer, Med/Surg, Psych.

I'm here to answer questions.

I just asked them in an above post. No links please, I don't like to drive traffic to political sites.

I'm here to answer questions.

What are your credentials? Why should we ask you questions re: this topic? What is your stance on this?

So what the Libertarian Party is advocating is a return to the golden (healthcare) age of the 1960s; HSAs, which work great for people who have enough money that they don't have to worry about healthcare costs but not so great for people who don't; eliminating states' abilities to set standards and protect their citizens from abuses of for-profit insurance companies; and eliminating the FDA (because the "free market" can do a better job of bringing medications to the market? Are the leaders of the Libertarian Party familiar with the history of how the FDA came to be in the first place??)?

Sounds like uptopia to me!! What could possibly go wrong? Sign me up!!

Y'know, my 90 yo mother (former RN) was ranting on the telephone the other night about how much healthcare costs nowadays and went on and on about how healthcare used to cost a lot less before we started using all these disposable items, and, back in her day, they used to rinse out IV tubing and reuse it, and wash and reuse gloves, and if we only went back to doing things like that, we could probably make healthcare a lot less expensive. Maybe the Libertarians would like to include that proposal in their platform.

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