Let's talk about the basic facts about the health care reform bill...

Nurses Activism


I do not like politics. I am neither a liberal nor a conservative so I don't like arguing about political sides.

I do want to know about this health care bill. So far, I know that it is saying that health insurance companies will be more regulated and people will be forced to purchase health insurance but....

- How are people going to purchase health insurance if they can't afford it now?

- How is this going to affect patient care?

- How will nurses be affected by this?

I want to know any basic information about this bill but I am a nursing student so... as is most likely shocking to all of you... I don't have much time to research it, lol.

Thanks and lets try and keep it friendly folks!


Specializes in being a Credible Source.
Are you saying that the ONLY way insurance companies profit is by cheating their customers?
No, that's only one of their tools. They also look for loopholes to deny coverage and dump millions into lobbying to maintain the status quo... or to craft legislation which works to their benefit - as this new law does.
No that's only one of their tools. They also look for loopholes to deny coverage and dump millions into lobbying to maintain the status quo... or to craft legislation which works to their benefit - as this new law does.[/quote']

Are you saying insurance companies never cover their customers when they seek medical treatment?

By the way, why do you own mutual funds? Surely the companies you own do unethical things.

Specializes in being a Credible Source.
Are you saying insurance companies never cover their customers when they seek medical treatment?
If that's what I were "saying," I'd just say it. I'm "saying" just what I said.

I'm not typing Mandarin here, am I?

Specializes in being a Credible Source.
By the way, why do you own mutual funds? Surely the companies you own do unethical things.

How my investments relate to the discussion at hand is really quite beyond me.

I've grown bored with this diatribe.

I'm done.

How my investments relate to the discussion at hand is really quite beyond me.

I've grown bored with this diatribe.

I'm done.

I'll make it easier for you to understand. You hate corporations yet you own them.

Okay... great discussion so far everyone... Thanks for all your comments

I was wondering if we could touch a little bit more on patient care and how it will be effected by this health care reform. Will it get better or worse and please be specific. Thanks!

Short term, my feeling is it will get better as more people will seek primary care and start taking better care of themselves. Long term as shortages begin to develop, I think we will see a general decline in patient care.

All opinion. I could be wrong, in fact I hope that I am.

Short term, my feeling is it will get better as more people will seek primary care and start taking better care of themselves. Long term as shortages begin to develop, I think we will see a general decline in patient care.

All opinion. I could be wrong, in fact I hope that I am.

By the way, why do you own mutual funds? Surely the companies you own do unethical things.

I think the much more interesting question is why you're such a huge fan and defender of the insurance companies. Do you actually work in healthcare? I don't think I've ever met anyone with any significant experience in healthcare who likes insurance companies.

Short term, my feeling is it will get better as more people will seek primary care and start taking better care of themselves. Long term as shortages begin to develop, I think we will see a general decline in patient care.

All opinion. I could be wrong, in fact I hope that I am.

I think in some cases there will be some savings in people that can now go to the doctor instead of the ER. And in other cases finding a problem early will save money. But I think people will continue to be noncompliant and believe we can fix them later.

I am finding more and more people with insurance using the ER to get non emergency tests done quicker because it will take too long to get it done outpatient. This may increase.

Again I hope for the best...but I just don't know.

Why is health care a right? I'm not asking to incite a riot. I'm really not sure it is. I want someone to convince me. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness........then health care??

Contrary to what some might say, rights are not "natural" or "inherent" but are what any society believes is a right at a given period of time. For most of human history, and even in a great many places today, neither freedom of speech nor freedom of religion have been considered "rights". In most of the developed world, health care is considered a right. In the US, we haven't gotten there yet, at least in the minds of many. I hope I live to see the day when we do.

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