Let's talk about the basic facts about the health care reform bill...

Nurses Activism


I do not like politics. I am neither a liberal nor a conservative so I don't like arguing about political sides.

I do want to know about this health care bill. So far, I know that it is saying that health insurance companies will be more regulated and people will be forced to purchase health insurance but....

- How are people going to purchase health insurance if they can't afford it now?

- How is this going to affect patient care?

- How will nurses be affected by this?

I want to know any basic information about this bill but I am a nursing student so... as is most likely shocking to all of you... I don't have much time to research it, lol.

Thanks and lets try and keep it friendly folks!


Well, leaving the currently flawed healthcare system intact and untouched is not the solution, either. When the loss of human life occurs due to a lack of healthcare coverage, it is indicative of a flawed and unethical system.

Do you think our congress is ethical? The only reason Obamacare passed is that they bribed congressmen to vote for it.

Both corporations and politicians are crooked. You don't solve the problem by giving all the power to crooked politicians. Corporations cannot force you do to things. POLITICIANS CAN. (and just did)

Specializes in Critical care, tele, Medical-Surgical.

Corporations can take your premium money for years and then deny you the care they promised when you need it. They can deny you a chance to live.

Corporations can take your premium money for years and then deny you the care they promised when you need it. They can deny you a chance to live.

The difference between a health insurance company and the Mafia?

If the Mafia demands protection money and you pay them, they usually won't kill you.

Corporations can take your premium money for years and then deny you the care they promised when you need it. They can deny you a chance to live.

I agree that is wrong. One simple law changes that. A trillion dollar law is not needed.

The difference between a health insurance company and the Mafia?

If the Mafia demands protection money and you pay them, they usually won't kill you.

That is really a disgusting and inaccurate statement.

Specializes in LTC Rehab Med/Surg.

Why is health care a right? I'm not asking to incite a riot. I'm really not sure it is. I want someone to convince me. Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness........then health care??

Specializes in being a Credible Source.
Actually, most insurance companies are PUBLIC companies, which means they are owned by individual citizens who bought stock. Do you own any mutual funds? If so, you own corporations and profit from them. Does that make you greedy?
Of course they're public companies. And of course, as a for-profit company, they have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders to maximize profits. Their primary responsibility is to their shareholders, not to their policy holders. Their responsibility to their shareholders is, in fact, at direct odds with their responsibility to their policy holders... and, of course, makes them look to exclude as many risks as possible.

Certainly I own both mutual funds and individual stocks, and as a shareholder I expect them to do everything they can to maximize the value of my shares... that's precisely why we shouldn't rely on such companies to provide for our healthcare.

I have no problem with a for-profit company acting like a for-profit company... I have a huge problem with putting those companies in between people and healthcare.

Specializes in being a Credible Source.
The difference between a health insurance company and the Mafia?

If the Mafia demands protection money and you pay them, they usually won't kill you.

That is really a disgusting and inaccurate statement.
Actually, it's quite a humorous little joke... with a bit of ironic truth mixed in.

I have no problem with a for-profit company acting like a for-profit company... I have a huge problem with putting those companies in between people and healthcare.

Then you should treat patients for free. How dare you profit from treating patients. You must be greedy for buying nice things with patients' money.

An individual is not the same as a corporation... working for a wage is not the same as seeking to maximize shareholder profits by actively seeking to exclude potentially costly people from the insurance pool.

Are you saying that the ONLY way insurance companies profit is by cheating their customers? Do any customers actually get coverage when they are sick? Did your insurance company ever cover you when you seeked medical treatment?

Specializes in being a Credible Source.
Then you should treat patients for free. How dare you profit from treating patients. You must be greedy for buying nice things with patients' money.
As I said before, I am an individual worker, not a corporation... and even if I were a not-for-profit corporation, I would still pay myself, just as the workers in the not-for-profit corporation are paid.

The issue is the primary purpose of the organization... a not-for-profit entity exists to meet a social need and its revenues are directed to permit same, the for-profit entity exists only to maximize its quarterly profits and its equity - to maximize ROI for its shareholders.

The issue is the primary purpose of the organization... a not-for-profit entity exists to meet a social need and its revenues are directed to permit same, the for-profit entity exists only to maximize its quarterly profits and its equity - to maximize ROI for its shareholders.

YOU are a for-profit entity. Are you against all for-profit corporations?

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