Lethal injection nurse???


hi everyone,

I just read that some states are looking into having nurses administer lethal injections to death row inmates. Since I have a questionable source my question will be hypothetical.

Would this be a p/t job you would consider?

How do you feel it fit/ or does not fit in to nursing?

I have very mixed feeling about this, i feel alot of anger when I think of people like Susan Smith (she the one who droend her kids right?). But I would not like anger to be my primary moviation in this context.

I'd be applying in second.

Sorry, no I would absolutely not.

That is not to say that I am nessairaly against the death penalty.

Specializes in SICU.

I don't know that I could do that (NOT implying that I'm against the death penalty)...

I know, I know... hypocritical... kinda like eating the veal but not wanting to see the calf in the crate...

Specializes in LTC/Peds/ICU/PACU/CDI.

...not assist killing anyone...in anyway due to my religious beliefs. imho, killing death row inmates is still murder...state approved killing...but murder just the same.:rolleyes::(:imbar

i don't think that i could even handle holding the hand of someone receiving the fatal injections as their nurse...i would be feeling helpless, guilty, & too broken-up over it. maybe i should reconsider that as we nurses are suppose to be our patients' advocate & tend to their emotional state of being as well as their physical...this is a really hard situation for me personally though.:o

Specializes in Pediatric Rehabilitation.

I'd be in line right behind kewlnurse! My BIBLE speaks of "an eye for an eye...". Personally though, I think it should be TWO eyes for an eye.

Specializes in LDRP; Education.

I am all for capital punishment; the only problem I see is that there have been times when an innocent man was on death row simply by the stupidity of the JURY.

As far as this job: I probably wouldn't apply for it only because it probably pays like crap, and why do they need a registered nurse to adminster the injection, when we have MAs doing injections on people we are trying to SAVE in our clinics? Doesn't make sense.

I once applied and interviewed for a job at Planned Parenthood. I was under the impression that the job was partly assisting with gyn, and partly assisting with abortions. When I interviewed I found that the job was 100% assisting with abortions. Now I am pro-choice, because of all the trash I have seen in Labor and Delivery, but even I couldn't take doing abortions day in and day out, all day long. I probably couldn't take giving lethal injections all day either, especially when I don't see why they need an RN to do this, yet have MAs doing RNs work in the public sector.

I think it would be interesting, I used to wanna get into forensics and criminology stuff back in school, but I dont think I could be responsible for administering those type of drugs to anyone

even if it was deserved , I'm for the death penalty, but not really sure about my feelings on the lethal injection side of it.....seems kinda easy , like they would just slip away or something

I dunno , tricky subject good post

I think I could do it.. but I would have to know the details and be sure the person were guilty (for my own peace of mind).

# 3 in line after my sisters!

FYI.. Correctional Nursing is usually good money.... It is considered a specialty....


Never, I am deadly (LOL) against death penalty.

(We don't have it here, thank God)

Take care, Renee

I am for the death penalty. I am not for nurses being anywhere involved in administering drugs that lead to a patient's (person's) death.

When going for my BSN, I wrote a paper about the ethical involvement of nurses in Assisted Suicide. I am dead set against nurses administering a lethal injection to anyone. I wrote the case that any time you add a third party to anything like that, the chance of misinterpretation was too great. It is a doctor who need to be responsible for the life and death administration of life-ending meds. I wouldn't even want to hand someone a script for meds that I know is a lethal dose for self administration.

However, I believe in assisted suicide, if the patient and doc agree. I just think that the third party, nurse, should be totally left out of it, (in prison, too).

Absolutely 100 % NO, NO, NO !!!!!! I am against the death penalty. Don't believe in taking what you can't give (OH, i forgot they are trying that too with cloning). I don't know how any nurse could do that in good conscious, however my husband says call him day, night, 24/7 365days a year and he will be there pushing any buttons ,injecting anything it takes to get the job done. Hmmmm maybe i'd better sleep with one eye open

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