who has left nursing ?


Specializes in cardiology/medicine/geriatrics.

wanting to hear from those that have left nursing....because I have.

Things like , reason you left, how long since the change, and do you think about returning to nursing.

1300 + views but no comments?

Specializes in CCM, PHN.

I think people who've left nursing have probably left AN. Just a guess

How about you?

What are you doing since you left?

Hi sabatical - yes, I left nursing a number of years ago, 1994, mainly because I had burnout after only 3 short years working in the OR. I thought I would just "take a break", but later discovered I did not want to return to the conventional nursing field, too demanding and stressful, and I decided I didn't want to push drugs on people anymore. As I learned more about nutrition, naturopathy and a holistic approach to our ailments and symptoms, I decided conventional nursing was not for me.

However, let me qualify that there is a place and time for emergency care, drugs and nursing care, and I admire the RN's that are experts in their field. We need them!

I kept my license active for a few years after leaving, but then allowed it to expire. I don't think about returning to nursing anymore, but I have thought about putting my healthcare/nursing background to use in some way, with a company or online business that could be useful to them, e.g. medical records, medical coding, etc. I've had a few different jobs since leaving nursing and currently I am semi-retired. I think that sometimes it's easier to look for work that is not related to the medical field at all, especially when you first leave the nursing field. A future employer may need to know that you have permanently left the medical field and will devote your energy and efforts to their company's interests. I hope your decision has been a good one for you?

Specializes in Home Health.

I'm about 99% out of nursing, still seeing very few home health patients per week prn. Took early retirement at 62. I think by September I may be about out of I care! 27 years into it and I have about had enough.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.

I've left it after 28 years. I have cancer, currently in remission, but the treatment took its toll on me and I'm no longer able to work. (Please...no suggestions on what I could still do with my license.) I do some work for a pharmaceutical company for their online site, but that's at my own pace; if I don't submit anything in a month it's no big deal.

Specializes in ICU.

I left, took 2 years off because I got burned out, went back for another year and a half and got burned out again. The 'medical' part is still interesting, but am totally sick of the politics which is getting worse and worse and tired of the highlight of my day getting a patient to finally take a crap after surgery. Look what I accomplished today! Whooo Hoooo! :sarcastic: Yeah, the money is pretty good, but I also don't want to fall asleep driving home anymore.

Specializes in ICU, CM, Geriatrics, Management.

Curious why the OP didn't share her / his info???

I'm still in it... and will be for a while yet.

I'm about 99% out of nursing, still seeing very few home health patients per week prn. Took early retirement at 62. I think by September I may be about out of I care! 27 years into it and I have about had enough.

What about Waffle House? Didn't you want to work there?

Specializes in ICU, CM, Geriatrics, Management.

Waffle House???

That'll put ya right back into nursing pronto... like to the ER within an hour of any consumption!

I am an Rn of 30+ years and have lost two positions because I am in therapy for kidney cancer. Its due to the cost and the days out of work etc. do you have any sugestions for me for at home work I can do at my own pace. I'd appreciated it.

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