how do you keep your sexy??

Nurses General Nursing


ok - listen - First this is a second career for me and- Two, Cosmetolgy was my first for many years.

I am so accustomed to the world of beauty as I know it with glamourous hair and well manicured nails and such and I feel like I am always this plain Jane all the time. I just wanna run out and get a nice french manicure, french pedicure and stick my foot in a sexy shoe, not some danskos -you know? I am sick of this dog gone pulled back look and or ponytail. I just feel so un-sexy all the time and it starting to affect my self esteem. Not that any of that makes you, but it has been a part of me for so looooong. You know how it is when you get done up and you get an instant bit of swagger in your walk. I'm having some trouble adjusting sometimes. I don't feel like this most days at all but when I do - boy do I feel it. When off the clock, I'm too tired to even care about sexy. It's so sad, because all I do is find some more unsexy clothes like sweats when off the clock- so I am constantly in a state of unsexy.

So what do you do to preserve your sexy??

Specializes in Telemetry & Obs.

while you can primp yourself to look good, sexiness makes you feel good.

all the makeup and lingerie in the world, cannot replace that inner glow.


Amen to that!!

Plus there's nothing more pathetic than someone *trying* to look sexy.

Specializes in telemetry, medsurg, homecare, psychiatry.

I don't think that there is anything wrong with trying to look sexy. I have nothing against people who make the effort, or care about how they look. Sure inner beauty is important too, but there is nothing wrong with a little exterior zest. "All the more power to them":wink2:

Specializes in Med/Surg/Diabetes/Oncology.

:up::D...its more like keeping my style within the work place...I still put my make-up on, I dress up my scrubs by being craftsy...I put cute iron on tags and what not and I do my hair...whether its up or down its done...and then when I see the paycheck, I buy myself something FABULOUS JUuuuuST for ME!!

I love PAY DAY!!!!! the nut-bar and the PAPer! :yeah:

well, tell that to my husband when he sees me in his oversized shirt and nothing else...

oops...and my socks of course.

someday you will understand the difference betw sexy and pretty/beautiful.

sexy IS from within.

it is attitude and yes, confidence...

being comfortable with oneself.

while you can primp yourself to look good, sexiness makes you feel good.

all the makeup and lingerie in the world, cannot replace that inner glow.


But you had to look good to get that husband...and then the lust turned into love.

Specializes in Telemetry & Obs.
But you had to look good to get that husband...and then the lust turned into love.

Careful...your age and inexperience are showing.

Looks are not everything. As a matter of fact, they often come in behind personality, humor, compatibility, maturity, and a number of other qualities.

But you had to look good to get that husband...and then the lust turned into love.

well, of course there was that something that appealed to my now-husband.

but whatever it was, it was purely subjective...

what appealed to him, may not appeal to others...

so what does "look good" really mean afterall?

and don't assume it was something physical, because it wasn't. (well...not all physical, anyway)

and how about folks who get married in their 50's/60's/70's???

do you think it's likely that their spouse was attracted to them, solely r/t physical appeal?

for me?

i will never succumb to plastic surgery, anti-aging creams, booster bras or any other assistive devices.

because my 'sexy' cannot be artificially created.

i really like who i am, flaws and all.

and to me, it just doesn't get any sexier than that.

i've raised my 3 teens to look at beauty from the inside out.

and at 16, 18 and 19, i can proudly say that they get it.

imagine how less superficial our society would be, if we didn't take ascribe our values to how someone 'looks'?

i'm thinking we would treat ea other, a whole lot more holistically.

nothing wrong with that.

nothing at all...


Specializes in Telemetry & Obs.
imagine how less superficial our society would be, if we didn't take ascribe our values to how someone 'looks'?



Specializes in EMS, ER, GI, PCU/Telemetry.
well, of course there was that something that appealed to my now-husband.

but whatever it was, it was purely subjective...

what appealed to him, may not appeal to others...

so what does "look good" really mean afterall?

and don't assume it was something physical, because it wasn't. (well...not all physical, anyway)

and how about folks who get married in their 50's/60's/70's???

do you think it's likely that their spouse was attracted to them, solely r/t physical appeal?

for me?

i will never succumb to plastic surgery, anti-aging creams, booster bras or any other assistive devices.

because my 'sexy' cannot be artificially created.

i really like who i am, flaws and all.

and to me, it just doesn't get any sexier than that.

i've raised my 3 teens to look at beauty from the inside out.

and at 16, 18 and 19, i can proudly say that they get it.

imagine how less superficial our society would be, if we didn't take ascribe our values to how someone 'looks'?

i'm thinking we would treat ea other, a whole lot more holistically.

nothing wrong with that.

nothing at all...


you are so wise, leslie. right on.

people can truly learn so much from you.

there's something to be said for JB. when he met me, i had been working a 16 hour shift, and i was working the code team when his patient went bad. so here i am, extremely grouchy (bc i hollered at him, and he remembers it), sweaty, dirty, wearing paramedic pants sagging like a plumber from all the crap in my pockets, hair in a bun with frizz galore, makeup smudged all over the place, if any was left on at all..... and he ended up still falling in love with me.

when we went on our first "date" and i did my hair and got dressed up, he hardly recognized me. he's the only person who i feel completely comfortable with (well besides my mom and dad) that thinks i'm totally beautiful no matter what i look like.

that's sexy.

you are so wise, leslie. right on.

people can truly learn so much from you.

there's something to be said for JB. when he met me, i had been working a 16 hour shift, and i was working the code team when his patient went bad. so here i am, extremely grouchy (bc i hollered at him, and he remembers it), sweaty, dirty, wearing paramedic pants sagging like a plumber from all the crap in my pockets, hair in a bun with frizz galore, makeup smudged all over the place, if any was left on at all..... and he ended up still falling in love with me.

when we went on our first "date" and i did my hair and got dressed up, he hardly recognized me. he's the only person who i feel completely comfortable with (well besides my mom and dad) that thinks i'm totally beautiful no matter what i look like.

that's sexy.

I'm in shock that some people met during code,I dont think this is the right place nor right moment to "fall in love"

I'm sorry I had to get this off the chest...this was bugging me since sometime ago...mainly because I read another "romantic" story about how a nurse met her "love" during a code.I dont know how about everyone else but when I see a someone coding I only think about that patient,let alone to think about romance.

In a moment I know I will be flooded with criticism,but I couldnt help myself.

Specializes in EMS, ER, GI, PCU/Telemetry.
I'm in shock that some people met during code,I dont think this is the right place nor right moment to "fall in love"

I'm sorry I had to get this off the chest...this was bugging me since sometime ago...mainly because I read another "romantic" story about how a nurse met her "love" during a code.I dont know how about everyone else but when I see a someone coding I only think about that patient,let alone to think about romance.

In a moment I know I will be flooded with criticism,but I couldnt help myself.

honey, if you think for a minute we were flirting during a code, you are SADLY mistaken.

i didn't know him from a hole in the wall. and i was far from nice to him that day, bless his heart... i actually yelled at him to get out of my way if he wasn't going to do anything.

he called the ER and asked who i was (he went to nursing school with the charge nurse) and then called a few times and asked if i could start an IV for him until he had the nerve to ask me out. i did not give off any impression i was looking for anything....

the POINT of the story, which you were missing, is that he was interested in me even though i looked like broomhilda. he noticed that i was intelligent, independent and confident. that's why he asked me out. the fact that we "met" during a code is inconsequential.

Specializes in Med-Surg, ICU.
There is a nurse where I work who is absolutely stunning, she must spend an hour on her hair and another with her tastefully applied makeup. Her scrubs are perfect, no creases/wrinkles/stains (when she gets to work). She looks perfect, almost like a doll. Toward the end of her shift when her hair is slightly messed, makeup smudged and wrinkled/pit-stained scrubs she no longer looks pretty, she becomes HOT. A doll/picture is never sexy IMHO.

The sexiest women at work are those who are not necessarily the prettiest, they are the ones who carry themselves, project their personality and do their work with confidence. To explain this, the two sexiest women where I work would be hard pressed getting close to the top 5 of prettiest.

To end I will quote a line I read in one of those forwarded Emails: Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, knowing that they are gorgeous.


Doesn't matter what you're wearing or where you, hairdo, etc. CONFIDENCE=SEXY, always has, always will. If you don't think you have anything to be confident about, start making a list of everything people are always telling you that you do so well......whether it's repositioning a patient, starting IVs, cooking, telling jokes, spitting watermelon seeds farther than anyone else......and then OWN IT!!!! Own all of those things when you are exhausted and dealing with the 6th PIA doc/family member/pt at work two hours into a 12-hour shift, own it at home in your sweats. Your talents, abilities and contributions to this world are what make you YOU, and when you realize that and 'own' it, you will feel sexy and your 'sexy' will show, no, pure radiate, without a crack of cleavage, a tail of thong showing or pancake makeup heavy enough to make IHOP scared.

Oh, and listen to Helen Reddy's song 'I am Woman':p

Specializes in ED/trauma.

Sometimes codes can be a very sexy time. Especially when I am working with this one male nurse and this one paramedic. When they are doing compressions, they get all sweaty and their biceps and forearms bulge. Not to mention the close quarters we are working in, I can't tell you the number of times someone has shown a little too much skin when their hands are busy, or the number of times when someone brushes something against your something, and you can't move or you won't get the line in, etc, afterwards we always apologize and have a good laugh, and at the time my mind may be thinking "not pure" things. And we are a level 1 state of the art teaching hospital, one of the best in the world, we have an awesome recovery rate from arrests, but it can be hard on you seeing so much trauma/critical illness. During many of our codes you can hear us joking or laughing, or talking about a movie we saw, it doesn't affect our care it just helps us deal with what we see everyday. I hate going to codes on floors where they don't see codes much, everyone is scared to death, and can't think straight about what they are doing, in my opinion this is a much worse thing for the patient. Our codes run like a well oiled machine, most of the time I can just look at my co-workers and they know what I want them to do, same with the docs. Its important to make codes as non-stressful as possible, it improves outcomes

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