Published Dec 10, 2009
45 Posts
Hi! I know this question has been asked multiple times but i can't find the thread anymore for some comments... for those of you who took the Kaplan review and passed the NCLEX-RN-- how HARD was the question in NCLEX compare to ones in Kaplan QBank and QTrainer??-- have you guys encountered any repeat questions or same type of scenarios on some of the questions in NCLEX??!! I've done ALL the questions in QT and Qbank and I hope if I take the NCLEX on the 18th... it will help me pass..
50 Posts
Hi! I hope you passed your boards with flying colors! =)
38,333 Posts
Best wishes for the OP.
201 Posts
The format is similar, but if you're looking of an exact question, there's none. It's great that you did kaplan, but you should also do other q and a reviewers too. Kaplan isn't the only reference in passing the exam. Do more questions while you still have time.
emtb2rn, BSN, RN, EMT-B
2,942 Posts
I personally found the nclex to be an easier version of the q tests. Questions aren't identical but very similar. If you are comfortable with content, kaplan will have you ready for boards
Good luck.
And, how'd ya do?
81 Posts
Don't waste money for Kaplan Course as it has bunch of questions for only those students who are very bright. if you are average student like me then pick a good review book like Saunders,Hogan or Hurst and go through each and every content. Till you have understood the concepts, don't do questions. Once you are confident then start doing questions.
Kaplan questions are much harder than NCLEX. I purchased Kaplan twice, online and class format both and failed in my first attempt.
good luck
Leonardo Del Toro, RN
1 Article; 730 Posts
I think it all boils down to "are you a good standardized test taker?" If you are than you will pass. If you are should look into many, many, many different ways of answering questions so you become a good test taker (I think if you give the NCLEX to someone who knows nothing about nursing but is a supper test taker they will probably pass).
Kaplan is only good when you already good and it just polish things a bit. You have to know what the NCLEX is asking you. What is the NCLEX asking you? Believe me if I knew that...I would be rich...It appears to me everyone is different and the NCLEX has a way to find this difference. It's a real mystery to me...good luck. I think everyone will pass in the end. If they keep trying I suppose.
31 Posts
i agree with marcos and jollygirl ..yea thats correct if you know the content thoroughly and already known ..its good to take kaplan reviews . becos i too wasted money a lot with negative results.saunders is good for studying content and also the cd. u get better with saunders . and also 3500.,lipincott and delmar publish nsna.and also hope and continous practice of more (100-150 q&a per day)wil give asucess.
19 Posts
hi there - did you pass your boards?? i'm taking it march 5 and have the exact same questions as you. am scoring low 60s on the Kaplan trainers and am very anxious. please advise how the actual NCLEX compares to Kaplan's questions.. because sometimes i find i am just purely guessing, despite all the content and knowledge i have... thanks so much!!
1,142 Posts
I did the Q-bank, just took NCLEX RN yesterday and the format was very similar. I don't know for sure if I passed yet, but if I did, I think the Q-bank (not the class) provides a lot of practice, and I thought the Q bank Qs were harder than NCLEX. I'll know if I passed tomorrow,
i think Kaplan and NCLEX are super similar, but in the end i still think NCLEX is harder. after 1500 Kaplan questions, i was getting their gist, and then i took NCLEX and was fooled all over again. after my exam, i thought i guessed 80% of the questions and yet still managed to pass. go figure. but i def think everyone should do the Kaplan, esp the Qbank because it teaches you how to think and is def the best barometer for NCLEX style questions. and i did try saunders, hurst, 3500, and a few others.
I just found out I passed at 75q's. I did Kaplan Q bank only, no class...I also read the Kaplan 2010 review book with strategies and did those q's, also I used Mosby's for content review, and did some Lippencott Q and A. I thought I must have been doing badly on the NCLEX b/c the Qs weren't that bad...they would probably be hard if I didn't study so much though. I didn't get a lot of SATA either...So I don't think you can go on the question type you get to gauge if you passed or not. Also I did the pearson vue trick, that's on this forum and it did work for me. Good luck,