Just wanted to say I hate nursing soooo much

Nurses General Nursing


Don't get me wrong where I work I am nice to all of my patients and give them excellent care, my boss and coworkers love me and love working with me. I get many patient satisfaction cards all the time.

Inside I am dieing, I get anxiety just thinking about going to work. Even on my days off when the day to works gets close I am already anxious about going to work.

Short staffed, high acuity patients, 1 CNA for the whole floor etc...

Just wanted to let it out again. I will quit nursing I am just working on a business and when it reaches enough monthly profits to pay bills and live comfortably I will finally quit.

i can't wait. I have ruined 4 years of my life with this career. I am balding, gained so much weight, lost friends etc...

If it makes you feel better, balding is kind of a trend among male nurses, not all but most.

It doesn't have to do with nursing. It's called being human and genetics.

And the OP said that, not me.

Specializes in Mental Health.

I do feel the same in some way - I am working on my way out of this job. In saying that I would never say it ruined my life, I have been thought some much from this work. Try focus on what good nursing has brought you, focusing on all the negative will not do good for your mental health. You have a plan and stick to it but what form the nursing world will help you with that.

If there was a magic fairyland world where everyone loved nursing these post would cease to exist. You are not alone. Just about most bedside nursing positions wear people down at some point because of the demands of it.

Specializes in GENERAL.
Thank you everyone. I will keep this thread updated with my progress. I work tomorrow I already feel anxious, nervous and sick.


I'm not so sure that no matter what your level of competence is that you ever get over the feelings you describe to one degree or another when anticipating going to the job site. That's if, I believe, you do it right.

I do know that when you leave the miileu the interest in the thing will wax and wane.

I call that, without getting lugubrious, the blessing of what we do or the curse, or both.

Based on your post history, this hatred isn't new - you've been posting about how miserable you are since 2013. So while I feel bad that you're so unhappy, it's time to do something about it, instead of complaining all the time.

Good luck.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

I love being a nurse and love interacting with patients. However, I came to hate hospital nursing. I have been away from the bedside for a year and I still get knots in my stomach when I think about what it was like.

You may try something different and see how you do. Case management. Hospice intake coordinator. Telephonic nursing. Nurse educator. Risk management. Infection control. There are tons of ways to use the degree you earned without being in that stressful environment. You have enough experience now to make you a viable candidate for a change. It really IS different away from the bedside. I miss some aspects of patient care. I do not miss the bedside stress.

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