June 2010 CRNE Results

World Canada CRNE


I don't want to start the posts too early, but I was just wondering if anyone knew how long it is actually supposed to take to get results this year. I know that some people I worked with last summer got theirs in early-mid July. I checked out the CNO website and the CNA website (and a few others along the way) one says 8-12 weeks and the other says 4-6. I'm already driving myself crazy...if I have to wait another 8+ weeks I'll end up really going off the deep end :uhoh3:

Hi whitebunny, I failed too. And this is my second attempt. I think I will take my third attempt on Fen 2011. I need to get off the CRNE for a bit now. :(

Specializes in ICU, ER.
Hi whitebunny, I failed too. And this is my second attempt. I think I will take my third attempt on Fen 2011. I need to get off the CRNE for a bit now. :(

I'm so sorry to hear that :(

Hey all, nervously awaiting the CRNE results (I am one of the many awaiting in ONTARIO)......Hopefully the results will arrive by the end of the week, ill keep u posted, any others waiting in ontario please post if u get ur results so the many who are waiting can have some peace of mind knowing the results are on their way to us as well...........good luck to all, stay positive, the end of this waiting game will be over soon........

Alberta nurses- i received the mail last week ................i did pass !!!

Ontario....i believe yours will be coming soon...this is wonderful.

Good luck everyone!!!

Sandra -

Anyone in Ontario get any mail this morning? Still waiting on the mailman to arrive here. :eek:

Don't hold your breath... Just spoke with the CNO and the results have not even been mailed out yet! This is horrible!... NFLD knew almost 2 weeks ago! We all wrote at the same time it seems unfair that their anxiety is shorter (much shorter) then Ontario residents. Why can't the results be distributed electronically? I am going to be sick with worry until next week!

Just spoke with the CNO and the results have not even been mailed out yet!

Was there any other dialogue or were you just told nothing has been mailed yet?

I would imagine that each province would have a proportional number of people handling/processing the exams. This is getting very tedious & does seem unfair since we're being held hostage by the results. Decisions like living arraignments, etc. need to be decided for some who have been lucky enough to find jobs & want to make sure the last hurdle is cleared before committing to any long term necessities. This is gross what they are doing to Ontario grads when compared to the other provinces.

Specializes in Medicine.

Well I hope the results come quick. The deadline to apply for the next seating is July 26...yikes. It is just too much anxiety waiting...Good Luck Everyone!

Don't hold your breath... Just spoke with the CNO and the results have not even been mailed out yet! This is horrible!... NFLD knew almost 2 weeks ago! We all wrote at the same time it seems unfair that their anxiety is shorter (much shorter) then Ontario residents. Why can't the results be distributed electronically? I am going to be sick with worry until next week!

Ah! This is ridiculous, there has got to be a better way of doing this. I don't at all feel sorry for the CNO, I understand that it takes some time to encode and process the results. They should have enough resources, and we have a right to get our exams in a timely fashion and I'm just so frustrated right now. I get another weekend of uncertainity, great! ok venting over, haha.

Hey, I called CNO today because it has been past the 6 week mark. The woman on the phone told me the results have not been sent, and she had not been told a date when they would be sent. I followed up asking if there was a specific reason why the results were taking so long to process, and she said no and just advised me to remain patient. I feel that the results should be posted online as it is not fair when people write a national exam that there are different waiting periods to receive the results. Other national standardized testing (ex. UFE, etc.) does not work this way. Just getting a little frustrated with the system in Ontario....

Vent away... This process is obviously very inefficient. They should get a boat load of calls and then maybe the powers that be will put the resources that are necessary into getting this process done in a timely manner. I plan on calling Monday if there isn't anything in the mail or positive info on here.

I live in downtown Toronto and just got the mail.... Still nothing! I hope I don't have to simmer all weekend waiting for this! If I don't pass I'll lose my job :( we register all at the same time, pay the same time, write at the same time, why can't we get our results the same time?!?!?!?

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