June 2010 CRNE Results

World Canada CRNE


I don't want to start the posts too early, but I was just wondering if anyone knew how long it is actually supposed to take to get results this year. I know that some people I worked with last summer got theirs in early-mid July. I checked out the CNO website and the CNA website (and a few others along the way) one says 8-12 weeks and the other says 4-6. I'm already driving myself crazy...if I have to wait another 8+ weeks I'll end up really going off the deep end :uhoh3:

I'm glad I'm not the only one who's been having dreams about the worst possible scenario. Last night, I had a dream about GOOD NEWS coming in the mail, but I honestly don't think I can take much more waiting. I understand how much data they have to input, but this is getting so intense for me that it's all I can think about. I think I'm more on edge now than I was right before the exam! :eek:

Specializes in ICU, ER.
Just wanted to say that I got my results today and I passed!! :) Goodluck everyone and congrats! Oh I got home and I found my certificate ripped in half by my 3.5 year old nephew and was taped up by my dad...yikes was I ever mad!! Is it possible to get another certificate mailed? I would like to frame it!

I would think not, but it wouldn't hurt to call the College and ask.

Does anyone know exactly when the CNO will send out the results?

Specializes in ICU, ER.
Does anyone know exactly when the CNO will send out the results?

I was told by a CNO rep that they would be sent out today.

Thanks Rescue ninja for the info.

Specializes in MedSurg Nursing.

I called CNO yesterday for another reason, but the guy on the phone was kind of a jerk and said between the next couple days. It flipping better be sent out today!

Specializes in ICU, ER.
I called CNO yesterday for another reason, but the guy on the phone was kind of a jerk and said between the next couple days. It flipping better be sent out today!

The woman I spoke to was VERY rude too. I know they're probably getting hundreds of calls a day asking about CRNE results and it must be annoying, but you can still be polite! When she answered I said Hi and asked my question (not r/t CRNE) and she snapped back "WHY?" So then I explained and she still didn't really give me an answer so I thanked her for her help and ask if results had been mailed yet she went UGHHHHH No they'll be mailed 6 weeks from the exam date (which is today)

While the rest of the provinces received their resuls already, the CNO, I assumed, hasn't completed sorting and posting out the results in the system. I understand Ontario has the most number of examinees. Shouldn't they hire more people to do the job. I'm sure they could pay for the laboring staff to do the encoding. They got as much money as there were examinees. Just because there were way more examinees in Ontario than the rest of the provinces doesn't mean they couldn't get the job done on time.

Specializes in ICU, ER.
While the rest of the provinces received their resuls already, the CNO, I assumed, hasn't completed sorting and posting out the results in the system. I understand Ontario has the most number of examinees. Shouldn't they hire more people to do the job. I'm sure they could pay for the laboring staff to do the encoding. They got as much money as there were examinees. Just because there were way more examinees in Ontario than the rest of the provinces doesn't mean they couldn't get the job done on time.

I'm sure there's a buttload of GN's that would be willing to do that job for free!! :p I sure would!

If anyone from Ontario gets anything in the mail tomorrow, please be sure to post about it here. I've been watching this thread everyday to try and gauge when the results will start to filter out. After reading some posts on last year's CRNE exam thread, it looks like they do mail everything out 6 weeks from the date of writing for Ontario. GOOD LUCK!

Specializes in ICU, ER.
If anyone from Ontario gets anything in the mail tomorrow, please be sure to post about it here. I've been watching this thread everyday to try and gauge when the results will start to filter out. After reading some posts on last year's CRNE exam thread, it looks like they do mail everything out 6 weeks from the date of writing for Ontario. GOOD LUCK!

I'm watching too!! The mailman already came today with nothing for me :( Tomorrow would be awesome, but since I live 5 hrs from Toronto I'm thinking it'll arrive Friday or Monday at the earliest. I just hope it's good news.

I'm an hour from Toronto with a mail route where the they drop the mail at the front door. Therefore if something is mailed today it has a good chance of arriving by tomorrow. But, I'd be more likely to bet on Friday if mailed on Wed.

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