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Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).

I was going to wait and post this January 1 but the fact is New Years resolutions are meant to be broken and I feel like I have to address some things now. I have recently been inspired by the Man cub who at 19  is not really a cub anymore but he will always be the man cub to me. Over the worst of the Covid quarantines he didn't do much except on-line school, sleep and eat. So when he finally got vaccinated and out and about he found that he had gained 30 pounds (13.6 Kilos). He has been working out, learning about nutrition and exercise and lost 20 pounds in two months. My progress has been slower but I broke 200 pounds today. Several years ago I lost 100 pounds and my body just stalled there. 

More about me: I had been treated for clinical depression for 8 years but finally have my head in a reasonable place. I have fibromyalgia, Inflamatory bowel disease and  NIDDMII. I also suffer from insomnia although that has eased back some lately and I have been a sober alcoholic for over 20 years.

In spite of the train wreck I just described I am always constantly committed to self improvement. I have hobbies for work life balance ad plan to do some traveling as soon as it is safe to do so and yes I have been vaccinated and will be getting my booster next week. 

So what I am planning is to change things up . I have managed my fibro pain with anti inflamatories and  Opioids, but plan to get off the opioids completely this year. Even if I have to deal with pain which never really goes away so be it. I have consulted with my endocrinologist and an integrative medicine specialist to try to get the IBS and Diabetes under better control as I can't tolerate the side effects of metformin. So I am setting out to lose weight exercise more and finally get my weight to a manageable level. 

I work aboout 40 hours a week with some overtime and for work-life balance I enjoy gardening, walking, foraging for wild food, learning new things on Wonderium and binge watching shows from time to time.

So tomorrow I post my physical stats and invite others here to do the same. We can share what type of results we are looking for, track our own and others progress and cheer eachother on. 

So are you in?



Specializes in Private Duty Pediatrics.

My BMI is 23.3; I am slowly losing weight and need to exercise more.

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).

So purchased a new scale that measures wt, body fat, BMI and whole bunch of other things. It should arrive today (good old Amazon) once I get accurate numbers I’ll post.

Specializes in Private Duty Pediatrics.

hppygr8ful, how are you doing?

I'm getting 5000 to 5500 steps in a day, a little over 2 miles/day total. And I ride an Airdyne bike 100 miles/month. That comes out to 10 miles every 3 days.

I'm eating a lot more vegetables, and I cut out most pasta. (And I love mac-n-cheese!?)

On days that I work 10 hours, I don't do as well, but I do make it up.

My BMI is now 22.3, and I FINALLY got my HbA1c down from 6 to 5.8.

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).

I am doing well but I had some issues with blood sugar control and very low blood sugars when I started cutting back on carbs.  I am retooling the diet part so I can get the calorie restriction where I want it. I have been going to the gym 3 times a week with my body building son as my trainer.

Work has been a big issue for my work life balance these days as we have so many staff out with Covid (All unvaccinated with exemption BTW) I've been trying to help where can while still setting healthy boundaries. I am headed to the gym in about 30 minutes for leg day and some time in the sauna.

Glad to hear you are doing well.




Specializes in retired LTC.

Best-est wishes to all who try. It's soooo hard. I'm trying my own way. Will do my thing.

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).
2 hours ago, amoLucia said:

Best-est wishes to all who try. It's soooo hard. I'm trying my own way. Will do my thing.

We all have to find what works us. I did get off my tush and do an hour in the gym today. Now cooking a healthy supper.


Specializes in Private Duty Pediatrics.
2 hours ago, hppygr8ful said:

We all have to find what works us. I did get off my tush and do an hour in the gym today. Now cooking a healthy supper.


I got in an extra mile walking today. Since I live in the city, I can go to a big box store to walk. I wear a mask and avoid the isles that have people. There are usually fewer people in the isles along the walls, in the back and on either side of the store. That way, I don't have to break stride. (Yeah, I walk about 3 miles per hour usually.)

Where do you find time to work, go to the gym, AND cook? I'm impressed!

My hubby is retired, so he does a lot of the cooking.

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).
11 hours ago, Kitiger said:

Where do you find time to work, go to the gym, AND cook? I'm impressed!


Well I don't cook every day but Thursday is my RDO so I have more time. I have every other weekend off so I do a lot of cooking and freezing, I work 8s so I'm usually home by 1600 and the gym is open until 9 pm. I was really sick a couple of years ago (On strict bed rest) and suffered significant muscle loss. My son is a body builder and he is helping me to get stronger again. 


Specializes in Med-Surg.

I read this a while back but wanted to give my compliments and so glad you're still at it.  I love to hear stories of people taking some responsibility for what they can control. 

25 years sober myself.  ?

Let me know about that scale.  I wonder how it measures body fat?  

I too find that batch cooking, or over-cooking and saving left overs, keeps me eating well.  I have a tablet in my kitchen that I stream shows and movies on and cook.  I enjoy it.

I'm fortunate to have made it to 62 without physical issues.  Mentally, I have anxiety, depression and insomnia.  I have a PRN benzo that I'm trying to get off but take on work nights to sleep.  Doc just this last week started me on Trazadone.  Not happy with the results but going to give it time.  Insomnia sucks.  I don't take an antidepressant but it's under control and maybe the trazodone will help but I'm not on a high dose (yet).  

My BMI sits on the high end of normal at 24.9 today.  25 is considered overweight for my age.   I lost weight during covid lockdowns in 2020 because I walked a lot and didn't do muscle work at the gym.  I actually lost a bit too much weight and put some of it back on.   

I might have a few pounds to lose but I'm looking more into intuitive eating rather than restrictive at this point in my life.  I mostly follow a carb centric vegan diet.  Doc did an A1C a while back and it was 5.0.   I say "mostly" because nothing is off limits, but almost always it's vegan and whole foods, not processed.  I'm one of those people that if it's off limits will go into overeating what's off limits mode.  I agree we have to find what works for us.

I too have worked a lot of hours due to covid and staff shortages but am slowing down as cases have dropped.  I work 3 12 hour shifts which leaves me four days to exercise.  I go to the gym and enjoy hot yoga classes.



Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).

So I slept in until 8 am today and then had a very light breakfast along with metformin, glipizide and insulin. Went o the big box store to get new glasses as mine are falling apart and do some shopping. Had a half a turkey sandwich and did an hour in the gym. Came home played with dogs and picked up poop then took a shower. not sure if I am cooking tonight might just settle for a protein shake and let hubby fend for himself. 

Tomorrow is my house cleaning and food prep day!

Whew that was a lot!


Specializes in Private Duty Pediatrics.


Tweety, if working 3 12-hour shifts is "slowing down", I wonder if I could keep up with you!

I worked 6 hours today but didn't eat enough. I did have a cheese melt slice of bread and an orange before work, but I only drank one Glucerna while at work. Just now, I had a 3-egg scrambled eggs. Now, for the popcorn! ?

I did 7 miles on the exercise bike. I've been doing 100 miles/month since 2018, and it's a point of pride that I haven't missed a month yet. But I forgot that I have only 28 days this month, so I have a bit of catching up to do. I got in just over 5,000 steps today.

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