What's New in this Club

A group for people who want to feel better. Geared for folks 50+ but anyone is welcome to join. Clubs

  1. What's new in this club
  2. Pain Journey

    I imagine that your diet and lifestyle have helped to keep your pain on the lower side of its potential. Well done. Good luck, chronic pain is a real challenge on our physical, emotional and spiritual health.
  3. Tweety

    Pain Journey

    Good luck. I was in neck pain for three months and went insane, so can't imagine all those years. On a side note and I'm not giving any advice at all, but I had a good friend with psoriatic arthritis and breakouts that went vegan and it improve...
  4. hppygr8ful

    Pain Journey

    As some of you know, I have suffered from Chronic Pain since around the age of 13. It goes through remissions and relapses. Managing this while working and raising the man cub has been daunting. In the past year it's gotten so bad that there are days...
  5. I actually thought about doing this fairly recently since sometimes I have 1-2 hour downtime at my clinic and there is a 24 hour fitness nearby. But then I think about getting sweaty, not wanting to get my Figs dirty with sweat and sweat stains, and ...
  6. Lately, my job has taken over my life. So much to the point that I cannot regularly exercise. This has made me frustrated, so today I left at noon to go to a weight lifting class. While at class, I got over 10 phone calls and messages from work. ...
  7. Kitiger

    Join my journey

    Excellent! You are doing it. Quality loss that represents good lifestyle choices is the way to go.
  8. hppygr8ful

    Join my journey

    So down another pound. This going slower than I like but I am looking for quality weight loss not just quantity
  9. Tweety

    Join my journey

    Chia mixed with water is a good binder. I think there's a misprint in the recipe in that it called for 1/2 cup of lemon juice and this ruined it. Made it too juicy and too lemony and I tried to make the burgers but they didn't hold up and they ...
  10. hppygr8ful

    Join my journey

    One of my recipe contacts suggested using soked Chia seeds
  11. Tweety

    Join my journey

    I decided not to make them tonight but I'm using this recipe. I'm thinking the oatmeal and the mushiness of the beans will bind it. We'll see. https://www.marathonsandmotivation.com/how-to-make-vegan-white-bean-burgers/
  12. hppygr8ful

    Join my journey

    What are you using as a binder for your vegan burgers?
  13. Tweety

    Join my journey

    I have been known to get the ice cream. And enjoy all 1000 calories in a pint. I was bad and got Chinese food and chicken wings for dinner after work Friday night. Jumped back on the healthy whole food plant based way which I eat 90% of the ti...
  14. hppygr8ful

    Join my journey

    Well at least you didn't get Ice cream and a milkshake! Down two more pounds. Starting to feel the effects of a better diet.
  15. hppygr8ful

    Rate Apps that you use

    I use a Vont Smart Scale that I got for $20 on Amazon. Argus atep counter Free with my Iphone and just started using BetterMe.com App. Will give you a rating later in February. Hppy
  16. hppygr8ful

    Join my journey

    Agreed! Sometimes You have to feed the beast!
  17. Tweety

    Join my journey

    Well there is that. LOL. I've also learned to take these episodes with a grain of salt and not beat myself up too much and to not give up. Time was I would do that and stay "f-it" and eat too much too bad for a good while afterwards. Now I ...
  18. hppygr8ful

    Join my journey

    Well at least you didn't get Ice cream and a milkshake!
  19. Tweety

    Join my journey

    I can't exercise with a full stomach and need to exercise between meals. My issue that day was I went to the gym at lunch time and by the time I came out I was very hungry and while I the store getting healthy stuff spontaneously got a sandwich and ...
  20. Kitiger

    Join my journey

    I do best losing weight if I exercise before eating.It helps me maintain my weight, too.
  21. Tweety

    Join my journey

    I had an air popper to make popcorn years ago. Wasn't as good but very low calorie and I got used to it. You can dress it up with spices, nutritional yeast. I used to put salsa on it. I'm up a couple of pounds since the holidays and still don...
  22. hppygr8ful

    Rate Apps that you use

    I am interested if anyone is using apps to guide/track fitness progress. If so what apps are you using?
  23. Kitiger

    Join my journey

    Good for you, Happygr8ful! I'm UP 4 pounds.😑I guess I need to cut out the popcorn, or at least some of the popcorn.😛
  24. hppygr8ful

    Join my journey

    I am down 2 pounds. Went to the Gym twice this week. Light Cardio only for now as I am still recovering from that last bout of Covid.
  25. Tweety

    Trip to France

    Glad you had (mostly) a good trip and sorry you caught covid. I recently traveled to Costa Rica and had a great time. The airports were crowded and no social distancing. I'm surprised I didn't catch anything. But a week after being home I cau...
  26. hppygr8ful

    Trip to France

    So I was only back 3 days when I came down with what I thought was the flu (Turned out to be Covid). Now fully on the mend I went and got a thai massage yesterday with CBD oil. The focus was lymphatic draining and hot stone therapy. I have been doing...