Job Interview: Check Writing Legibility?


Specializes in being a Credible Source.

I'm a nursing student coming from another profession where I've several times interviewed folks for professional and non-professional jobs. For certain positions I have asked for a simple writing sample in front of me in order to ascertain the legibility of their writing.

I've several times found nursing notes in the charts at my clinical site to be difficult to read (usually better than the docs, though). I began to wonder if its ever assessed. It seems a valid concern.

Have you ever been asked to write a quick note as part of an interview? As an interviewer, do you ever seek to assess writing legibility?

Never been asked for a sample and I would have a problem with any interviewer who asked me for one. Should we have good handwriting? Yes. Is it realistic to expect all people in medicine to have good handwriting? No.

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

As a hobby, I have been reading a handwriting analysis book that is fascinating. One thing the author stresses throughout the text is that usually, illegible handwriting is mostly done by people who don't know the subject matter, or not confident in their decisions. Mostly used by physicians, in order to dispute in court. Interesting...

As a hobby, I have been reading a handwriting analysis book that is fascinating. One thing the author stresses throughout the text is that usually, illegible handwriting is mostly done by people who don't know the subject matter, or not confident in their decisions. Mostly used by physicians, in order to dispute in court. Interesting...

Hmm.......when I worked ER and ran my patootie off, my handwriting sucked. Now that I'm in home health and can take more time, it's more legible.

Specializes in SRNA.

I don't know if its necessarily that I've worked for banks for close to ten years, but I interpreted the title of this thread as if someone can write a check legibly....I'm a big dork. :p

dang, i'd be just as concerned, if not more, with spelling/grammar.

anyone can write illegibly.

not everyone can do so correctly.:)


Spelling and grammar indicate clarity of thought.....

Spelling and grammar indicate clarity of thought.....

*whew* My spelling and grammar are great!

Specializes in ED, ICU, PSYCH, PP, CEN.

I've had a couple of medical people (mds and rns) tell me they write so no one can read what they put down on purpose. Once saw a PT who just made scribbly lines in the pt chart. scarey

Specializes in Emergency.

What happens when you use computers or an EMR? Everyone's documentation looks the same. On that note the actually have a font called scribble.


Specializes in Peds, PICU, Home health, Dialysis.

There is a new pediatric resident on my floor who grew up in the Phillipines, and her handwriting looks EXACTLY like a type-writer. No joke and no exaggeration. When I was reading the admission orders a few weeks ago, I looked at the nurse I was working with and asked "when did the doc's start using a type writer to write their orders?"

The nurse (who is also Filipino) told me that in the Phillipines, the teachers made you print a certain way and even their personal notebooks that they took notes in had to be printed in a certain way that was neat and clean. Apparently, students would have to go home and reprint all of their notes after class and some students would pay other students or others who were no longer in school to write their notes!

I found it very interesting.

Anoter side note: apparently if the students notes were not printed in a clear and neat fashion and up to their standards, they could be kicked out of class and lose points... and even have their hands slapped with a ruler (she said this even happend at the university level).

I wonder how true it all is... ?

The hospital I work for now requires a hand-written cover letter for all clinical applicants. Now I know why! Good thing this wasn't the case four years ago, my penmanship sucks!:typing Also, I attended school with a young woman from the Phillipines and was always mezmerized by her handwriting. I guess they are that strict.

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