Published Feb 2, 2016
33 Posts
Started this thread to find out how many of you feel that you have accomplished job embeddedness.
In what type of setting do you work?
What is the culture of your organization?
How many years have you worked there?
What is it that makes you so connected to your job?
roser13, ASN, RN
6,504 Posts
Is that a word?
Answering my own question.........I think.
"Embeddedness refers to the degree to which economic activity is constrained by non-economic institutions. The term was created by economic historian Karl Polanyi as part of his Substantivist approach. Polanyi argued that in non-market societies there are no pure economic institutions to which formal economic models can be applied. In these cases economic activities such as "provisioning" are "embedded" in non-economic kinship, religious and political institutions. In market societies, in contrast, economic activities have been rationalized, and economic action is "disembedded" from society and able to follow its own distinctive logic, captured in economic modeling. Polanyi's ideas were widely adopted and discussed in anthropology in what has been called the "Formalist vs Substantivist" debate.[1]Subsequently, the term "embeddedness" was further developed by economic sociologist Mark Granovetter, who argued that even in market societies, economic activity is not as disembedded from society as economic models would suggest.[[COLOR=#5a3696]2[/COLOR]]"
heron, ASN, RN
4,461 Posts
But what does "job embeddedness" mean?
I'm confuzzled. OP?
Penelope_Pitstop, BSN, RN
2,369 Posts
But what does "job embeddedness" mean?I'm confuzzled. OP?
From Wikipedia:
Job embeddedness is the collection of forces that influence employee retention. It can be distinguished from turnover in that its emphasis is on all of the factors that keep an employee on the job, rather than the psychological process one goes through when quitting.
From Wikipedia:Job embeddedness is the collection of forces that influence employee retention. It can be distinguished from turnover in that its emphasis is on all of the factors that keep an employee on the job, rather than the psychological process one goes through when quitting.
Thank you
OK ... OP, you first ...
3,726 Posts
0Started this thread to find out how many of you feel that you have accomplished job embeddedness.
Home health, rural to smal town
Treating people like people
patient focused
family focused, meaning 2 or 4 legged, we support those who need to attend to the needs of their family
15 ish
Work relationships with coworkers, managers, providers
invested in the community
patients easily satisfied
marked impact on patient/caregiver
fair reimbursement compared to COL
0Started this thread to find out how many of you feel that you have accomplished job embeddedness. In what type of setting do you work?Home health, rural to smal town What is the culture of your organization? Treating people like people patient focusedfamily focused, meaning 2 or 4 legged, we support those who need to attend to the needs of their familyHow many years have you worked there? 15 ishWhat is it that makes you so connected to your job?Work relationships with coworkers, managers, providersinvested in the communitypatients easily satisfiedmarked impact on patient/caregiverfair reimbursement compared to COL
OP started this thread to get homework help.
I thought I would take advantage and try to recruit..
emtb2rn, BSN, RN, EMT-B
2,942 Posts
This is what you get from an anonymous board:
Sometimes exciting, often not.
Highly caffeinated.
All of them.
The job.
I'm not in school. I'm just interested to hear from people what is it that makes them love their jobs so much, stay connected within the job community. Thanks for participating
12,646 Posts
Started this thread to find out how many of you feel that you have accomplished job embeddedness. In what type of setting do you work?Blackboard JungleWhat is the culture of your organization? Helicopter parents, mostly. And teachers who swear by essential oils. Kids are cool, doe.How many years have you worked there? 1.5What is it that makes you so connected to your job?Taco Thursday
Blackboard Jungle
Helicopter parents, mostly. And teachers who swear by essential oils. Kids are cool, doe.
Taco Thursday
I embedded my answers in your questions