Published Sep 1, 2010
50 Posts
It used to be funny that people that were unfamiliar with healthcare would tell me that pursuing nursing was great because it was a "recession proof job", NOW, it's irritating.
I have NEVER witnessed such unprofessionalism from managers and DONs. TWICE in my nursing career have I applied to jobs, where I was interviewed, offered the job verbally (NOW I know better), given a background check and drug test, then told after calling back to follow up, that the person that was quitting decided not to and that they would keep my application. Is this a SICK joke? I know better not to get my hopes up after the first time, but twice?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! And the DON didn't even have the audacity to CALL me and let me know, instead of leaving me hanging in false hopes. You don't know how hard it is for me to not call back and say HOW DARE YOU, especially in these times.
What's more is that I feel stuck in a doctor's office making the wage of an LVN although I was verbally told they would increase my pay. No one's words are good for anything these days. Seriously. I want everything in a written contract. Now, due to budget cuts, it is impossible. I know a lot of you will say I'm blessed to have a job, but not when I feel hopeless and exploited.
And ANGRY. Just waiting. And waiting. And waiting.
I am applying everywhere and have even entertained the idea of relocating.
PatMac10,RN, RN
1 Article; 1,164 Posts
I hope things get better for you.
dthfytr, ADN, LPN, RN, EMT-B, EMT-I
1,163 Posts
Wow! We need the nursing shortage back. They tell us to act like professionals but treat us like dirt.
Orange Tree
728 Posts
Wow...that sucks. I would be upset, too.
carolmaccas66, BSN, RN
2,212 Posts
Yes poster it has happened to me several times. Wait till you have been dragged through two or THREE interviews for the SAME JOB, done the medicals, drug calculation tests, etc, etc and still don't get the job, even when you seem to have it in the bag, as they say. I have been told on more than one occasion 'You have the job', only to be waiting for a phone call or email re starting date. I have actually emailed employers and told them MY TIME IS AS VALAUBLE AS YOURS AND YOU HAVE WASTED IT. None have replied as yet because they are too ashamed. There should be a law against this. It is frustrating taking the time to do applications, driving to and from different places for interviews - the medical may be at ANOTHER place - the induction may be done some place else, then no work. An employment consultant told me many employers advertise for staff (such as agencies) to get them on their books, when they don't actually have any positions (or minimal positions). They just want you hanging on and THERE to call when they need you, even though they advertise and tell you 'they are so busy they can't get enough staff to fill vacancies, and are overrun with work' (this is what I was told not very long ago). I just wonder how legal this is. That is why many advertise to start you off as a casual at first, then if they don't like you, or you don't 'fit' into their position they can legally fire you and there is nothing you can do about it.
I was flaming mad about this a few weeks ago. Now I tell employers if I haven't heard from them in 2 full working days, or they don't give me proper acknowledgement of my application, I will accept other positions and am not interested. This ensures they call back and try to get you into a position, because there are heaps of nursing employers out there, and they get paid a minimum of about $2000 to place you in a position so they are losing money.
Call the DON and ask why you have not been contacted, and that this is bad practice on their part. You have to start letting people know their business practice is not sound, and they can't keep people hanging around.
Yes you have got a job and shold be grateful, but your hopes get dashed and that is the worse part.
It's just not on I'm afraid! I wouldn't hesitate to call them today and tell them all of the above. And no I wouldn't want to work for someone who treats me like that - it's so rude - unless you are desperate for a job there.
Let us know what happens anyway.
119 Posts
Nursing sucks! And now without a shortage we are as disposable as toilet paper ..... Fun fun fun! Nurses love to fire nurse
i think its a girl power thing! I dunno get some experience and sttick to agency get paid power , everybody always says thank you for coming even if your late and never work a weekend or holiday again..... And never have to deal with politics , some nurse manager gives you attitude you give it right back. Because at the end of the day you dont have to see them ever again
i love it!!!! Been doing it for two years, i have never felt more free
Bumashes, MSN, APRN, NP
477 Posts
Wow. That's horrible. They spend time and money doing your physical/testings and then just cast you off? Whatta bunch of nutjobs. Hope your luck turns for the better soon. Hugs!
You know what is worse? I just found out that they hired my coworker, who I informed of the opening because I was told they would need more people, and he was called today and asked when he could start. He told me in his interview they were looking to hire more men. #*(&$*(@*($*(@&$*(#&@$*(*(@&$*(#&$*(@(*$@*(&$#*(@$*@&$*& I am THISCLOSE to calling and being unprofessional. This is ******** on ALL levels.
gr8rnpjt, RN
738 Posts
Keep trying. Not every employer is like that. I know the shortage is over but there are still good jobs to be had and employers who respect staff.
Look at it this way, if they would treat a prospective employee like that, they probably treat their actual employees like crap.
Thank you all for your support.
I'm going to send a letter to their HR.
Thank you all for your support.I'm going to send a letter to their HR.
Great stuff. Let us know how it all turns out (and ask them to give you a job for all the inconvenience they have put you through!)
netglow, ASN, RN
4,412 Posts
OMG Quest!!!! Talk about taking it "all ways possible" ehem, as they say. That truly sux. I am mad for ya.