It is With Sadness I Write This


It is with sadness I post this thread, for the time has come when some nurse siblings are acting with emotion instead of their heads. We are a family of professionals me and you, and I enjoy posting messages that do cheer you. But as of late, I'm feeling this task is not getting through. I love you my friends, can you not see? Animosity only hurts and tears down you and me. So lets do better with getting along, so I can post my messages of humor and love where they belong. Please know I have written this message with kindness and love for all of you. We can do wonderful things together if we co-operate with one another. So please lets try to do better. There is a wealth of knowledge and talent here on this board, and it's so much more peaceful and easier to connect with one another if we do it in peace. Thank you all for your love, and your knowledge, for you do have a lot of it. Bless you my friends.

Whew, Fran, I thought from the title of your post that you were leaving the BB! My heart sank and my stomach went in knots! Then I read the post, well stated and loving, as your posts are. A good reminder for us all, to impact the board in a positive way. As I try to avoid confrontation, I back away from dissentive subjects/postings, as mattsmom81 has also posted. I also realize we all have different temperament make-ups, and what floats my boat sinks another's. At least, tho', hopefully, we can be civil to each other when we agree to disagree.

I do appreciate your presence on this board, thanks for your postings! :D -- D

Whew Fran

You gave me a scare to...

I think of you guys a best friends and family members....

I have been blue as of late over the recient departure of a few of these folks and I couldn't bear it if anyone else left......

I didn't think it would affect me so as we all have never met in person..

But it leaves one feeling somewhat depressed like a piece is missing.

I agree with Dianah's comments above and I also love you madly :)

Specializes in Case Mgmt; Mat/Child, Critical Care.

Thank you for your kind and gentle reminder, Fran. I appreciate all of the support and cheer your words bring!

Thank you Fran for reminding us to be thoughtful and considerate in our words. When we have something important to share it is wise to be mindful of others. It is also good manners.


Try not to be sad, people will bicker. I'll try to keep my future posts as positive as possible. Hopefully I've never offended or hurt anybody. If I have please forgive me. Smiles and hugs to all. vhope

Conflict is part of life. I think that conflict can foster new ideas and strengthen the ability of nurses to work together. Conflict can be valuable catalysts to change and personal development. The reason I like this board is because of the passionate and spirited debates. I see more positive, than I do negative posts. The moderators do a good job of keeping people from name calling and personally attacking others. (We also get a few crazies on this board from time to time)

Fran - You seem like a very loving person and I also enjoy your posts. Sometimes this board has me feeling sad, too. And sometimes it has me feeling frustrated, angry, happy, silly, supported, understood, smart, dumb, and confused. But, that's what keeps me coming back!

Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

I really enjoy your posts; I have gotten many a chuckle, belly laugh, snicker, giggle from them. I have MUCH admiration for someone who has a lot to deal with, and still makes every effort to inspire and cheer those of us "on the front lines". Please continue to post, and challenge us when we need it.

God be with you, Miss Frances!

Oh, Fran! SO sorry you are feeling down over the debates going on around here. 12.gif

I always try to keep it civil, but I am only human, and may sometimes get caught up in the heat of a debate. Thanks for the reminder, and please continue to be your lovely, happy and inspiring self.

Good post Fran

Specializes in ICU.

The Fireship

Bear with me my friends while I tell of the Fireship. In the days of wooden sailing vessels one of the strategies to destroy a fleet especially one that was anchored close, was to set a ship deliberately alight and sail it into the middle of the fleet causing the fire to spread from ship to ship until all are destroyed.

Every so often you meet real life "fireships". They can enter any group and within a short time - no matter how cohesive that group was before, all ties are severed as the group splinters and divides.

This is what we have to guard against. The person who loves fermenting strife. Most commonly you will see it in the way that they will post a seemingly contentious message and when someone comes along and disputes this they will start firing accusations of not having read their original post and by this tactic does trouble start. Most commonly they stay within the TOS so there is not a lot we can do about them except call them on the behaviour.

Yep, we all can be awful at times (I am speaking for myself here) without intending. Sometimes it's as simple as a bad day...other times it is a lack of restraint. I was feeling alot of tension here and I almost got way caught in it in one forum, so I backed out as quietly as possible. I never intend to hurt anyone. Sometimes I can't believe I said something(which tells me to stay off the computer when I'm hormonal).

You have truly great timing. Thanks for the reminder that although we all have the "right" to express our opinions, we should also remember that there are real live people on the other end :)

Specializes in Gerontological, cardiac, med-surg, peds.
The Fireship

Bear with me my friends while I tell of the Fireship. In the days of wooden sailing vessels one of the strategies to destroy a fleet especially one that was anchored close, was to set a ship deliberately alight and sail it into the middle of the fleet causing the fire to spread from ship to ship until all are destroyed.

Every so often you meet real life "fireships". They can enter any group and within a short time - no matter how cohesive that group was before, all ties are severed as the group splinters and divides.

This is what we have to guard against. The person who loves fermenting strife. Most commonly you will see it in the way that they will post a seemingly contentious message and when someone comes along and disputes this they will start firing accusations of not having read their original post and by this tactic does trouble start. Most commonly they stay within the TOS so there is not a lot we can do about them except call them on the behaviour.

Wow Gwenith! Your depth of wisdom never ceases to amaze and inspire me. Saw this phenomenon at work with a coworker. Great strife everywhere, even this person's very presence in a room seemed to stir up without her even saying a word. Great division in our midst. Soon as she quit, the divisiness stopped. One person truly can make a difference, whether for good or for harm.

Specializes in ER, ICU, L&D, OR.
It is with sadness I post this thread, for the time has come when some nurse siblings are acting with emotion instead of their heads. We are a family of professionals me and you, and I enjoy posting messages that do cheer you. But as of late, I'm feeling this task is not getting through. I love you my friends, can you not see? Animosity only hurts and tears down you and me. So lets do better with getting along, so I can post my messages of humor and love where they belong. Please know I have written this message with kindness and love for all of you. We can do wonderful things together if we co-operate with one another. So please lets try to do better. There is a wealth of knowledge and talent here on this board, and it's so much more peaceful and easier to connect with one another if we do it in peace. Thank you all for your love, and your knowledge, for you do have a lot of it. Bless you my friends.

Nicely put fran

I also am only trying to stay with only the fun stuff

avoiding all other issues

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