It is with sadness I post this thread, for the time has come when some nurse siblings are acting with emotion instead of their heads. We are a family of professionals me and you, and I enjoy posting messages that do cheer you. But as of late, I'm feeling this task is not getting through. I love you my friends, can you not see? Animosity only hurts and tears down you and me. So lets do better with getting along, so I can post my messages of humor and love where they belong. Please know I have written this message with kindness and love for all of you. We can do wonderful things together if we co-operate with one another. So please lets try to do better. There is a wealth of knowledge and talent here on this board, and it's so much more peaceful and easier to connect with one another if we do it in peace. Thank you all for your love, and your knowledge, for you do have a lot of it. Bless you my friends.