It finally my turn to say......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nursing Students General Students


Specializes in LTC.

i did it !!! whoo hoo.i thought this day would never come, but it finally did ! i completed my lpn program. i just received my grade on my final and my overall grade is a nice, beautiful b ! i'm so grateful, overwhelmed with joy, and thank god so much for allowing me to finish my program. i'm sad for those who didn't pass and i do feel their pain... at the same i'm just so proud of us that made it to the finish line. wow, what can i say, its been a very long year... as you all can tell by my hundreds of posts on here. well, i finally did it. i've cried, felt like giving up, suffered depression, anxiety, laughed, shouted, you name it. in nursing school i went through alot but i'm here to say that it pays off. for those of you who feel like throwing in the towel don't. defeat is never an option. i don't know what else to say, i'm just lost for words.... now pinning is next week and starting on monday i'll be preparing to take my boards. i'm heading back to school this fall to finish my rn prereqs and prayerfully next fall i'll be able to get in the rn program. for right now, i'm just counting the blessings that are in front of me. i accomplished so much right now and can't wait to start working as a nurse.

goodnight all, at least i'll be able to sleep good tonight. thanks all you guys for your support.

from you soon to be,


CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! I know it has been a long time coming. I can imagine how you feel because I am a nursing student myself in a ADN program. I will be able to celebrate in Aug 2010. Enjoy your high having complete one of your goals. Catch up on your zzzzz's I'm sure you need it.

CONGRATS again!!

YEAH! And congrats to you!

Specializes in Trauma & Emergency.

Congratulations to you! Treat yourself to something special and remember how lucky the world is to have a wonderful new nurse like you!

Congrats to you! I know you worked really hard. I can't wait to say that. I just got in this fall to RN program ADN. Hopefully I'll be able to say that in the spring of 2011.

Specializes in Psychiatry.

Congratulations, I know you've worked hard for it. Take some time out for yourself and bask in the glory of your new success.

Best, :yeah:


Specializes in Cardiac.


Congratulations!!!!!! Your hard work paid off!!

YAY congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! You have worked very hard and should be super proud of yourself! I am proud of you!!! WTG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You deserve to be so proud of your accomplishments. Good Job! Congratulations! :bow:

Bravo and keep on truckin!

Specializes in ER, ICU, Medsurg.

Very sincere congratulations 19!!!!! I'm proud of you. How did the pinning speech go? Would love to hear it!!

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