Alright, I am not sure if this is in the right area, I'm really not sure where I should have started this thread. Admins, please feel free to move it wherever you feel it belongs!
So, Winter is here, like it or not. Last night at work, I was informed, through the grapevine of course because I work NOC's and it is a pretty damn rare sight to see administration, that it is the night staff's duty (RN's, LPN's, CNA's, we're at a LTC/Rehab facility) to clear away snow that falls/blows in the night. Um, seriously?! What is the role of maintanence? Apparently their day ends at 5pm along with all other administrators?
I don't do snow, not at home and certainly not at work in my Dansko's and thin scrub pants! (I don't own snow gear and you can bet your sweet bippy I have no intention of investing in any!) Is this a demand they can make of nursing staff? I'm truly interested in knowing the law in regards to fair labor. Any insight or links anyone?