Been a hospice nurse for over 8 years, have done it all. HC, INPT, admissions.
1. seems like hospice's were popping up on every street corner for a while there.
2. Where i work , Census is down and has been slowing moving in that direction for over a year.
Stats show that the WW 2 generation is almost all gone and stats predict that the next big wave of hospice patients wont hit until the now baby boomers start to get up in age, that will be in another 10- 20 years or so.
My question is how is your hospice doing? How is your census? Have you noticed census fluctuating more and in the downward direction?
I want to move to another state and stay in hospice, my concerns are the job prospects for hospice over the next 10 years or so.
what do you think?