Published Oct 18, 2010
374 Posts
I am 57, and in good health. I am a RN with 97 hours towards a BSN and can realistically finish my BSN working full time and going to school part time in 2-3 yrs. However, that puts me at around 60 yrs old going into a MSN program for APN. I would only be able to do the program part time which means it would take me 4 yrs to complete. I don't worry whether or not I could physically or mentally do the work, but I do worry that if applicants out-number the available seats in a program, that my age will automatically disqualify me. If I need to look at another path, I would rather do that now rather than later. I welcome your thoughts and experiences. Thanks in advance!
txspadequeenRN, BSN, RN
4,373 Posts
i cant offer any formal advice since i am a prospective np student myself....but just wanted to say good luck to you....there is nothing you cannot do with determination and the will to succeed.....i say go for it
38,333 Posts
If you want to do it, do it.
BCgradnurse, MSN, RN, NP
1,678 Posts
I went back for my NP in my late 40s and it was the best thing I've done. I would look into RN to MSN programs, where you do not have to have a BSN to apply. It might save you some time.
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
Agree - look into the RN to MSN options - there are several to choose from.
Don't think your age is an issue.
AbeFrohman, BSN, RN
196 Posts
Unless your money somehow becomes worthless in old age then I don't think it matters to the NP program.
I'm sitting here smiling. Thank you all for the encouragement. The RN-MSN is a really good idea. I had thought about that some, but you have reinforced it. Can't thank you all enough.
Glad to help. Keep in touch and let us know how things go and what program you decide on.
128 Posts
I agree with everyone. I am finishing my FNP at 42---SO much of what makes me a good nurse/APN comes from my life experience. Wisdom is a GOOD thing! Best of luck....
linearthinker, DNP, RN
1,688 Posts
Im finishing my FNP this year and I'm about to turn 42. My preceptor went to FNP school at 50, and I have several classmates in their 50s. Most of us are in our late 30 to early 40s, but you would definately not be off the bell curve, lol. good luck!
43 Posts
I graduated form nursing school with A BSN in August 2007. Now I am a part time ACNP student an a full time nurse, 36 hours/ 3 12's a week. It will take me 3 years to finish my MSN. I am 55. If you are in good health and reasonably fit you can do it. Don't sweat the age thing. Oh yes, I am married with 2 beautiful grandkids which live with us.
Teacher First
57 Posts
I went back to school in 2007 at 53 for a post-master's FNP. I finished last year and passed certification just after my 57th birthday. I think I have a lengthy career ahead of me, so I say "Go for it!" and Good Luck!