Is APN realistic at my age?


I am 57, and in good health. I am a RN with 97 hours towards a BSN and can realistically finish my BSN working full time and going to school part time in 2-3 yrs. However, that puts me at around 60 yrs old going into a MSN program for APN. I would only be able to do the program part time which means it would take me 4 yrs to complete. I don't worry whether or not I could physically or mentally do the work, but I do worry that if applicants out-number the available seats in a program, that my age will automatically disqualify me. If I need to look at another path, I would rather do that now rather than later. I welcome your thoughts and experiences. Thanks in advance!


I'm 47 and will graduate in 2013 at the age of 50 or so. What hampers me is not my age, but my BUSY, busy, lifestyle. I've got a house, husband, dog, kids, older kids who need me still .... I've just got a LIFE -- and that's what gets in the way more than my AGE.

I'm trying to find different ways to keep my energy up to keep up w/ it all ... I worry a bit that I dont' have enough years in nursing, rather than my age ....if you have a lot of time in nursing, I think that is what will strengthen your chances.

Specializes in Management, Emergency, Psych, Med Surg.

I attended an education session tonight at the University of Washington regarding the ARNP program there. I have a couple of deficits that I would have to correct before I can apply. My GPA has to come up some and I need stats. This leaves me with not being able to enroll until January of 2012. I will be 57 years old by the time I start. I just don't think that financially it would be worth it. I would only have about 10 years of work life left. I have been a nurse for 32 years. When I went to nursing school, it was not as difficult to get in as it is now. I am a very experienced nurse with excellent clinical skills. But everyone seems to want people with an academic focus.

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