IRSC Fall 2014 Hopefuls!

U.S.A. Florida


Hey everyone! I know this is super early to be talking about the fall semester but I just got my denial letter for the Spring 2014 semester so I wanted to make this group for anyone that's applying or didn't make it in like me. I got a 109 score on my NLN exam which makes my total points for program 130. I took A&P I & Micro which accounts for my points. I would like to retake the NLN in 6 months & hopefully I can do much better. I'm currently enrolled in A&P II & plan on just studying my butt off for the nln in the process. Classes I have left before I'm done with all my "pre-requisites" are A&P II (which I'm currently in), Chemistry, and Nutrition. (which I plan on taking those in spring/summer). Maybe we can get a study group together eventually if anyone is interested! Best of luck to everyone! :)

annasmum, I guess it depends on what classes you are taking? I took A&P and Micro in the summer and made it out fine but it does require a lot of your time..

Just took the NLN for the first time and I def should have studied more! I scored a 112. Def not getting in fall.

@ brittani22 I was planning on taking nutrition and Enc1101 in summer I and human development and medical Ethics in summer II. That way all I would have left are the NUR classes. Taking on too much? Still want to be able to spend a little time with my family during the summer. @kristenh3 don't give up hope. i would still apply. You might just make it as an alternate if you managed to get the max. points for micro and anatomy.

kristenh3, I haven't taken the NLN yet but I am running out of time and feeling the same way. What would you say was the hardest part for you? Mine will most likely be the vocabulary portion.

annasmum, I took Frier for nutrition and his tests were HARD even with the advantage of taking them at home on angel. The work load for those classes shouldn't be too bad though. Which campus?

Right now I am toying with the idea of doing the online class with prof Mosley. I had read online that Frier is even harder than Moseley. Enc1101 I am not sure yet.

Well I took the NLN this morning and got a 125, so not very good. My total score is now a 152, hopefully the pool is weak this semester, but if not ill just reapply for the spring. Good luck all!

annasmum, My sister and I both took Riddles for ENC1101 and Fynboe for ENC1102. Both great teachers!

gators52_20, not sure that I will do much better on the NLN because studying for it has been rough for me while worrying about staying on top of my classes this semester. I almost don't want to take the test but spring isn't too much of a wait anyway. Good luck!

@ annasmum - I believe the classes your planning on taking is very doable! Enc1101 just be prepared to write a paper every week. Nutrition im taking right now (im taking frier) on campus but All his tests are online except midterm. I personally think it's not a bad class but don't go in thinking it's mainly about foods cause it's about foods/your body. Nutrition value for your body. Good luck!!

Thanks for the words of encouragement, this thread is really slow in comparison to other NLN threads. Which makes me think our class might be small as well... I did really well on pretests, I was and am still surprised at how much physics and electrical questions that were on the NLN

When are you taking your test Jessika1252?! I'm too scared to take mine!!! lol

gators52_20, I really am hoping we are a smaller pool. Even though I keep saying I will be fine with applying for spring it would be awesome to get in for fall!! I need to study more vocab before I take the test =/

Might as well try ms britt, if you don't get in you can talk to a counselor and see how to strengthen your application. Good luck! My name is chuck btw, in case we both get in, atleast we will know someone.

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