In One Sentence; if you weren't a nurse, you'd be a ________


We've had such a long thread regarding whether or not we'd be a nurse if we could go back in time and start over again.

Let's do something light-hearted!

I'd like to know in one sentence what your dream job would be if you could choose anything...anything at all.

My dream job would be a photographer for National Geographic.


Ok! I'll go first!

If I weren't a nurse, I'd be an Elephant Trainer at the Indianapolis Zoo!

(Sort of "fell in love" with the baby elephant there named Sophie. I got to pet her last summer!)

I know, pathetic......but on my b-day I turned 41...I'm really reaching for my youthful side lately!:chuckle :chuckle :chuckle

A wealthy philanthropist enjoying great adventures while helping others.

I still have time....



good one, baby elephants are so precious, especially when they are very young and don't know how to use their trunks yet!

Specializes in LTC,Hospice/palliative care,acute care.
Originally posted by OCCHCanada

We've had such a long thread regarding whether or not we'd be a nurse if we could go back in time and start over again.

Let's do something light-hearted!

I'd like to know in one sentence what your dream job would be if you could choose anything...anything at all.

My dream job would be a photographer for National Geographic.


I want to be a Herr's potato chip inspector..I want to pick the burnt chips off of the conveyor ...Sadly they now have a machine to do it......

Sun tan oil tester on tropical beaches ;)

Specializes in ED staff.

I'd test subjects to make sure they were up to the high standards set for models in the fold out section of Playgirl magazine :)

Specializes in LTC, ER, ICU,.

i would have loved to become a professional gospel singer.

Specializes in CIC, CVICU, MSICU, NeuroICU.

I'd like to be a veterinarian......(unfortunately I came close to that accepted but couldn't go because of money).

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

DO NOT give up on the veterinarian mom's best friend went back and graduated at 57. She was fulfilling a dream, simply enough. Yea, debt accumulated, but she is NOT sorry she did this.

I would be a barista (coffee/specialty drink maker) in a little coffee kiosk on the ocean shores of WA state....I would serve the BEST java/mochas/capuccine in town and know ALL the locals and have fun w/the tourists. I would live in a shack right on the water and need NOTHING luxurious other than the view.

This is a seriuos dream of mine. I am trying to figure out how to make it happen....:)

A preschool or kindergarten teacher- I love little ones and love to teach!

If I weren't a nurse I'd run a pizza joint and throw the pies myself! I'd serve large NY size slices and run open mike nights for all of my talented friends to entertain us.

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