Published Dec 22, 2003
70 Posts
We've had such a long thread regarding whether or not we'd be a nurse if we could go back in time and start over again.
Let's do something light-hearted!
I'd like to know in one sentence what your dream job would be if you could choose anything...anything at all.
My dream job would be a photographer for National Geographic.
jschut, BSN, RN
2,743 Posts
Ok! I'll go first!
If I weren't a nurse, I'd be an Elephant Trainer at the Indianapolis Zoo!
(Sort of "fell in love" with the baby elephant there named Sophie. I got to pet her last summer!)
I know, pathetic......but on my b-day I turned 41...I'm really reaching for my youthful side lately!:chuckle :chuckle :chuckle
416 Posts
A wealthy philanthropist enjoying great adventures while helping others.
I still have time....
good one, baby elephants are so precious, especially when they are very young and don't know how to use their trunks yet!
ktwlpn, LPN
3,844 Posts
Originally posted by OCCHCanada We've had such a long thread regarding whether or not we'd be a nurse if we could go back in time and start over again. Let's do something light-hearted! I'd like to know in one sentence what your dream job would be if you could choose anything...anything at all. My dream job would be a photographer for National Geographic.
160 Posts
Sun tan oil tester on tropical beaches
LilgirlRN, ADN, RN
769 Posts
I'd test subjects to make sure they were up to the high standards set for models in the fold out section of Playgirl magazine :)
3,932 Posts
i would have loved to become a professional gospel singer.
134 Posts
I'd like to be a veterinarian......(unfortunately I came close to that accepted but couldn't go because of money).
20,964 Posts
DO NOT give up on the veterinarian mom's best friend went back and graduated at 57. She was fulfilling a dream, simply enough. Yea, debt accumulated, but she is NOT sorry she did this.
I would be a barista (coffee/specialty drink maker) in a little coffee kiosk on the ocean shores of WA state....I would serve the BEST java/mochas/capuccine in town and know ALL the locals and have fun w/the tourists. I would live in a shack right on the water and need NOTHING luxurious other than the view.
This is a seriuos dream of mine. I am trying to figure out how to make it happen....:)
285 Posts
A preschool or kindergarten teacher- I love little ones and love to teach!
53 Posts
If I weren't a nurse I'd run a pizza joint and throw the pies myself! I'd serve large NY size slices and run open mike nights for all of my talented friends to entertain us.