Published Nov 29, 2004
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,413 Posts
O.K. so maybe we are in a moral decline in America when crack addict unemployed scuzzbags cuss me out becuase I can't get an IV in his track marked arm and the other arm is broken up because he walked in front of a moving vehicle while high on coke.
Sorry, just venting here. But whatsupwiththat? Is the opinion of nurses so low that we can be treated with disrespect like that.
Of course, I immediately left the room.
Thanks for letting me rant. :)
Please don't think I'm being judgemental. All my patients deserve the best of me and they get it. It's just a little weary of giving my best "customer" service and being cussed at. Sorry.
63 Posts
The things people say and do tell about them and not about you.
rjflyn, ASN, RN
1,240 Posts
Tweety maybe you should ask the pt if they would like to start it himself since he is so good at hitting his veins. :)
491 Posts
Ugg I hate that! ((((((((3rdshiftguy)))))))) Years as a phlebotomist has shown me some of the most ahem, interesting veins (and people attached!). The one thing I found though, was to let them select a vein if possible. The cursing is never appropriate though....who wants a 14g!!!!!??? JK.
775 Posts
Who cares about the nurses? It's the customers who are always right!!
You can vent on - I hear, and agree with you 100%
Nurse Ratched, RN
2,149 Posts
Tweets, I'm there with you. We actually had a doc punched in the head multiple times this weekend by a pt (A&O, naturally) - I don't know if he's pressing charges, but shame on him if he isn't, because all he's doing is teaching that person that it's ok to treat health care staff like that.
I had a mixed bag of interaction with pt's and family members this weekend. Some made me feel like I had really done well in educating and reassuring. Others made me wonder why I continue to go into the hospital.
3,779 Posts
Man...gotta love those crackheads.
UM Review RN, ASN, RN
1 Article; 5,163 Posts
Tweety, so sorry you had this experience. It really does tend to drag down your spirits. I get a tad annoyed with patients like that too.
I'm always glad for two things when I have to deal with someone like that:
1. That I can get up and walk away.
2. That I don't have to be stuck living in the same body as that mentality. I mean, if I had to wake up and stare at that kind of attitude every day in my mirror, well...I'd probably dive into a bottle of something too, know what I mean? :uhoh21:
Hope that helps a little. :)
1,041 Posts
O.K. so maybe we are in a moral decline in America when crack addict unemployed scuzzbags cuss me out becuase I can't get an IV in his track marked arm and the other arm is broken up because he walked in front of a moving vehicle while high on coke. Sorry, just venting here. But whatsupwiththat? Is the opinion of nurses so low that we can be treated with disrespect like that. Of course, I immediately left the room.Thanks for letting me rant. :)
If it will help, just consider the source.
tiroka03, LPN
393 Posts
What do you think would happen if this same addict punched a lawyer or a policeman?
There would be hell to pay.
I figure at my age, I don't need to be put down while I am doing a delicate and complicated task. If they don't like it, then good luck in finding someone else. However, if it's someone who's lytes are off, or with dementia, well, youdo need to consider the source.
What we do at our facility is to document, and then to call in social services. They have a way of handing these people. There are is a list of clients who are not allowed back into our facility to harrass the staff. At lease this is one area our facility usually excells in.
purplemania, BSN, RN
2,617 Posts
I hope your facility has measures for your to complain, and press charges if necessary. If nothing else, Risk Managment ought to be tracking the number and type of incidents so to develop ways to minimize risks for employees. This action should not be tolerated. Being an addict is no excuse. If we have to chemically restrain him to protect ourselves, then so be it.