If I take care of that guy one more day, I'm going to seriously rethink my nursing career. He was an ETOHer who had a fall, with a bottle of whiskey in hand, broke his hip, lay on the floor for two days, while drinking alcohol the whole time. He subsequently had many complications including intubation and a trache, which he still has, along with G-tube, rectal tube, etc. He seems to have become a permanent resident of the hospital, with his only interest in life apparently being fondling himself. He closes his eyes and refuses to do anything with OT and PT.
I really feel soooo totally burnt out on that patient! It's very difficult to find placement for this type of patient, and they are exhausting to take care of! It's a real bummer to walk into the room and try to cover him up, he is constantly playing with himself, it's gross! No family in sight and patient is a full code naturally.
Thanks for listening.