Published May 24, 2009
41 Posts
I would love to have some good advice from seasoned Nurses regarding setting a clear path to reach my nursing goals. I am currently a PCT at a major hospital and I enjoy my patients but I find that the Nurses have a lot of negative attitudes and it has really been bringing me down to the point I was considering a Teaching career instead. They complain constantly they are always talking behind people backs, and making snyde comments about patients about how gross they are or how they eneded up on our unit which is critical care Step Down aka the poop factory everyone is hooked up on a FMS or incont of stool and we constantly have to give them baths. I am totally burned out. I think I have lost sight as to what I loved about Nursing. We have to work on this floor for six months before we can transfer and that means until Nov. for me. I don't think I can handle it. But I wanted this experience to teach me about Nursing, and I would have my foot int he door when it came time to look for a job as a RN. I think the job of a PCT is degrading on this floor your over worked underpaid and I even hear Nurses make racisit comments and it really bothers me. Even the Manager is this way. What can I do I cannot afford to lose this job I have two kids to support if I want to go to Nursing school and I also want to have some experience under my belt because I feel I will fair so much better when I am in Nursing School. My plan is to become a Nurse Practioner I told this to my manager and she snickered and said that they are far and few between, wouldnt likely find a job at this hospital. I am the only minority on my unit as a PCA, I was told by a PCA now RN on another floor that she was harrassed there too, she said they are very racist in a sneaky way like they never say high, make racit comments always blame you for things, she luckily got her RN and took a position in th ER I am very frustrated and I am hating work daily and it's affecting my love of nursing...What can I do? Can I go higher up and see if I can change floors, I am miserable. Also is Nurse Practioner jobs becoming more rare?
38,333 Posts
It would probably be best to keep your aspirations to yourself. There are some places where other employees will see to it that someone who is trying to get ahead gets messed over enough to lose their job, if not their certification or license. Have heard an individual discussed from one facility to another. Just do your job and continue to do what you need to get ahead, so that you can leave this behind you when the time comes.
109 Posts
Sorry to hear what you're going through. Tough thing to have to deal with.
Hang in there, but keep your head down, mouth closed, eyes and ears open. Do your job to the best of your ability, treat your patients as best you can and apply for a transfer to another unit as soon as you can. Don't tell anyone on the unit of your future plans (what's it got to do with them anyway?). Use this experience as a positive - aim to be the kind of nurse they aren't.
Get your RN, become a Practitioner and when you finally do...send them a thank you card for giving you the motivation to achieve your dream.
Good luck!
637 Posts
I doubt that your manager is a RN/MBA or Economist and she probably has no idea what future hiring trends in your hospital will be - so it is not her call as to whether you'll be a NP in the hospital where you work now. Also the world is full of hospitals so even if you don't get a job in your present hospital, this doesn't mean you won't be a NP. Or in short ignore her. Go to the NP board here on all nurses and look around in there. And find some NP's in your town who you can talk to in real time about your career goals (some may be working in your hospital ER). Don't let the idiots get you down and best wishes in your studies.
123 Posts
Sorry to hear what you're going through. Tough thing to have to deal with. Get your RN, become a Practitioner and when you finally do...send them a thank you card for giving you the motivation to achieve your dream.Good luck!
My sentiments, exactly!!!
Ginger's Mom, MSN, RN
3,181 Posts
Really sorry to hear about your experiences, I would try to find a place that will support your nursing aspirations. Good managers support all their staff in improving themselves. Best of luck with your nursing career and you will never forget how to treat a PCA the right way.
1,007 Posts
sorry to hear what you're going through. tough thing to have to deal with. hang in there, but keep your head down, mouth closed, eyes and ears open. do your job to the best of your ability, treat your patients as best you can and apply for a transfer to another unit as soon as you can. don't tell anyone on the unit of your future plans (what's it got to do with them anyway?). use this experience as a positive - aim to be the kind of nurse they aren't.get your rn, become a practitioner and when you finally do...send them a thank you card for giving you the motivation to achieve your dream.i totally agree with this post; but want to add that since you really need to keep this job(you admitted this), "kill them--coworkers and manager-- with kindness", put your time in and when you can, get the heck out of there to another floor/unit. good luck!
hang in there, but keep your head down, mouth closed, eyes and ears open. do your job to the best of your ability, treat your patients as best you can and apply for a transfer to another unit as soon as you can. don't tell anyone on the unit of your future plans (what's it got to do with them anyway?). use this experience as a positive - aim to be the kind of nurse they aren't.
get your rn, become a practitioner and when you finally do...send them a thank you card for giving you the motivation to achieve your dream.
i totally agree with this post; but want to add that since you really need to keep this job(you admitted this), "kill them--coworkers and manager-- with kindness", put your time in and when you can, get the heck out of there to another floor/unit. good luck!
Vito Andolini
1,451 Posts
What makes you think they're racists? Not saying hi to you? Maybe they are thinking about their sick kids or their unexpected car repair bills or their newly-discovered cheating spouse or their terminally ill mother or any of a great many other things that have nothing to do with you at all.
Yes, it's nice if coworkers are friendly. No doubt about that. But just try to ignore them if they're not. They might be racists or they might not be and they just have something else on their minds. Or maybe they're waiting for you to say hi to them. Maybe they're shy. Just because someone of a different race doesn't speak to you doesn't mean they are racists. As for prior racists remarks they have allegedly made, if you didn't hear them, forget about them. If they were made in your hearing, then you know they were said. Otherwise, just do not get into that. And what if they did say them? They are said and done. As long as the speakers treat patients and visitors properly, as long as they are not making racist remarks to you or within your hearing, forget it.
Certain words spoken from someone we dislike, who is of another race, can evoke offense in us. We are hurt, angry, wanting revenge. Or we can ignore them and keep on moving. If said directly to a minority person, the MP should reply truthfully that such words are very hurtful. The mp should educate and inform, not get angry and offended, if at all possible. If the situation persists, you know what to do. Get it in writing, inform your boss, etc. Make a formal complaint, involve Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton or whoever, the ACLU, the NAACP, CORE, (I should not assume you are black like me but, if you are, these are the folks to get on your side).
Maybe they think you're the racist. Or they don't like you because you have been telling them your plans to become an NP and they are jealous. Who knows? Who really cares when you get right down to it? Older people get a little weary of young people telling them all they are going to do. It sounds like bragging or it reminds them that they have not had certain opportunities or that they had them and didn't take them or whatever. So they are cold to you because you remind them of personal failure or unhappiness or something like that.
Try telling them some trouble you have, just so they can feel superior or be glad you are suffering. Or just say hi and keep on doing your job to the best of your ability. If you really think they're being intentionally racist, sue them. Write them up, make a big fuss, sue, win lots of money, use a good lawyer, and never have to work again.
Hey, good luck with it all and I hope you find a pathway of peace and prosperity.
50 Posts
I have no idea where you work, or where you are from. But I want to tell you to keep your head up and keep yourself motivated. I am a BSN student in Chicago, I work at a neighborhood hospital on the Northside as a CNA and I love what I do, and who I work with. Most of us in the hospital are minorities, or from different countries, and we all get a long pretty darn well. Here in Chicago I find it very common to have minority nurses, so it should just be something for you to think about and your future endeavors.
Since I am in your same position, but from a more positive aspect I would tell you to do the best you your butt off to prove yourself....and if I were you, I would never let anyone ever talk me out of my dream to become a nurse, especially an advanced practicing nurse. You are going to run into many people who hate their jobs, like to gossip, and are just plain old jaded with nursing. I want you to remember that you are not them, and don't ever let those negative attitudes get in your way. I would always let these negative people know my plans, just because it'll make me stronger and make me more focused on my future. Never quit, and never restrict yourself to your future!
561 Posts
I'm so sorry to hear that you are the target of racist comments. If your manager won't take your concerns seriously, please take it to your Human Resources department. So many people are afraid to do this, for fear of making their job harder with their co-workers, but you can't allow this to continue. It's happened at my work's hard to speak up, (even when you're not a minority) to tell your coworkers that their comments are offensive.
This is a particularly nasty environment. I'd urge you to not give up on your goals because of this experience, this is NOT the way it is in many areas of nursing. You've found a particularly toxic group of nurses :-(
380 Posts
Honestly, it does not sound like racism or harassment, just a sucky place 2 work. R u speaking or just waiting 4 them 2 speak first? Then that would b miscommunication.
340 Posts
Honestly I do not see why you would feel that this has anything to do with race from what you posted. Sounds to me like you just work with some people that are not that friendly or havent gotten to know you yet. I also wonder if you have attempted to speak with them on friendly terms and general chit chat without telling them of your plans for advancement....they might possibility feel a vib from you and they are thinking you think you are too good to work on this type of floor or in this job for long and they might be taking that personally....they might be feeling that you feel you are better than them....thats what I got out of your post....that you cant wait to leave that floor and that you are not there because you want to be but because you have to be to serve your time but you have to realize to them this is there home at work and they might not like having someone who feels they deserve better.
I am not saying you dont deserve better because you deserve to do what you need to do to make you happy but while you are there take a look at how you react to being there and be sure they dont get the sense that you really dont want to be there....hope I made sense.
Good Luck