I would love to have some good advice from seasoned Nurses regarding setting a clear path to reach my nursing goals. I am currently a PCT at a major hospital and I enjoy my patients but I find that the Nurses have a lot of negative attitudes and it has really been bringing me down to the point I was considering a Teaching career instead. They complain constantly they are always talking behind people backs, and making snyde comments about patients about how gross they are or how they eneded up on our unit which is critical care Step Down aka the poop factory everyone is hooked up on a FMS or incont of stool and we constantly have to give them baths. I am totally burned out. I think I have lost sight as to what I loved about Nursing. We have to work on this floor for six months before we can transfer and that means until Nov. for me. I don't think I can handle it. But I wanted this experience to teach me about Nursing, and I would have my foot int he door when it came time to look for a job as a RN. I think the job of a PCT is degrading on this floor your over worked underpaid and I even hear Nurses make racisit comments and it really bothers me. Even the Manager is this way. What can I do I cannot afford to lose this job I have two kids to support if I want to go to Nursing school and I also want to have some experience under my belt because I feel I will fair so much better when I am in Nursing School. My plan is to become a Nurse Practioner I told this to my manager and she snickered and said that they are far and few between, wouldnt likely find a job at this hospital. I am the only minority on my unit as a PCA, I was told by a PCA now RN on another floor that she was harrassed there too, she said they are very racist in a sneaky way like they never say high, make racit comments always blame you for things, she luckily got her RN and took a position in th ER I am very frustrated and I am hating work daily and it's affecting my love of nursing...What can I do? Can I go higher up and see if I can change floors, I am miserable. Also is Nurse Practioner jobs becoming more rare?