Hi All,
I am a nursing student graduating this semester with my BSN (BSN = all theory-focused, little (IMHO) clinical experience/hours). I am doing my capstone (final clinical) at a large urban hospital TCU (General & Specialty Surgery unit, msotly post-op).
I am so so so so so so so scared. Anxiety-ridden. Fearful. Terrified. Nervous. Horrified.
Insomnia x last 2 weeks, emesis x 637, diarrhea x I lost count.
I am so afraid that I will meet my preceptor tomorrow and she will be this carniverous, mean, bland battle axe that will quiz me until I pass out and think I'm the dumbest student that ever lived; then recommend that my instructor to fail me. At this point, she could ask me the mechanism of action for metoprolol and I would just stare at her. Obviously, I passed my courses and did well, but I just don't feel up to par with my classmates. I feel like I have learned more as a unit secretary in the ICU I work at than I have in nursing school.
I swear I don't know anything. I know I'm not stupid, but I am so nervous about this. To make things worse, I can be sensitive, so I am worried about being sensitive about my insecurity and will just break down and cry tomorrow. Also, it does not help me when people say "mask your insecurity...act confident". Easier said than done. Trust me...if I could, I would. I have never been able to mask my feelings. I waear my heart on my sleeve. I cannot help it. I realize I need to work on this.
Any advice? Please, I beg of you, help!!! My heaad won't stop spinning....