I'll just be a Nurse! (rant)

Nurses General Nursing


Last night I was talking to my sister (I'll call her Belle) who's husband(I'll call him Justin) has been out of work for many, many months. Justin is now trying to join the Air Force Reserves - b/c heaven forbid that he should try to join active duty b/c then he would have to work! Anyway, in the middle of trying to get everything together the the AF, Justin comes up with "maybe I'll go back to school for nursing!" (grrrrr)

Let me give you a little hx. Justin has a double degree in Business and History and when he and Belle met, he was working part time at a grocery store as a checker. He then went to work at Phillips but was then laid off and went back to work for the grocery store. The grocery store closed and he went to work for Wal-mart until Phillips recalled him. Then Phillips moved overseas (grrr) and Justin has been out of work ever since. Wal-mart won't hire him back! He's lazy lazy lazy!!! And now he says "I'll just go be a nurse!" Like this is some easy thing to do and he'll just breeze thru it.

I am so annoyed at this person already for being a useless waste of oxygen and now he thinks he'll just "go to nursing school". :rolleyes: :stone

Thanks for letting me vent.

Specializes in Neonatal.
Originally posted by goodun

I understand your grrr! What gets me is when people say "Why didn't you become a doctor? " or Why don't you finish school and be a doctor?" But ya know---What's a doctor without THE NURSE?!!

OHMIGOSH! I know exactly what you mean Goodun! I just graduated with my BSN, and on a congrats graduation card from my aunt she wrote..."Congratulations, I hope one day you can go on to become a doctor" Grrrrrrrr:(

i too agree, let him go to nursing school. if he's as lazy as stated, nsg. school will chew him up and spit him out.

Specializes in Oncology RN.
Originally posted by 3rdShiftGuy

Well maybe he can work the night shift and eat and read magazines all night because the patients sleep all night.


I don't know where you work at, but my patients do not sleep all night. I wish they did so I can sit on my butt, eat and read magazines too.:rolleyes:

well thirdshiftguy, i think you had that one coming re: headhurt's comment. i don't think you can really rubberstamp one shift as all that cushy, and i'm sure there are many more noc nurses that would take offense to your comment. keep in mind, that's the hardest shift to fill and when you get a good noc nurse, they're invaluable.

Specializes in NICU.
Originally posted by 3rdShiftGuy

Well maybe he can work the night shift and eat and read magazines all night because the patients sleep all night.


:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Tweety, I think you are just kidding! Well, I hope you are.....

Originally posted by Mimi2RN

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Tweety, I think you are just kidding! Well, I hope you are.....

Oh, come on you guys! You know he is! I think anyone who's worked nights really knows he is kidding. ...Good one, Tweety! :kiss

Don't worry, I sense hostility between the 2 of you, and he is saying that to piss u off..........I know he wont't make the grade, let alone work long unsociable hours!

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.
Originally posted by earle58

well thirdshiftguy, i think you had that one coming re: headhurt's comment. i don't think you can really rubberstamp one shift as all that cushy, and i'm sure there are many more noc nurses that would take offense to your comment. keep in mind, that's the hardest shift to fill and when you get a good noc nurse, they're invaluable.

UMMMM he was being "tongue-in-cheek"......try to have a sense ofhumor. no one is slamming night nurses here.....tweety is one, I believe, as am I.:chuckle


i don't think someone w/ the handle "THIRDshiftguy" would be slamming nites.... he was obviously joking guys!!!

when a friend/family member asks me why i don't want to be a doc....i tell them...why, i make more money than the doc's i work with, and i will in the future as well....so you tell me who's smarter?!?!?

LMAO a scott's stupid people post....

You can't cure stupid and you can't cure lazy. Especially if he's 40's. The 3 year old might be a good recruit for nursing school though....we need creative and inquisitive, always looking for new learning experiences and adventures, which is exactly what is going to happen if lazy BIL isn't careful watching his youngster.

I think Sara that every family has someone like this in their family-whether they want to admit it or not.

My response to this guy would be "Great idea! When do you plan to sign up for school?" He sounds like the type who will never actually get around to even registering. Then, once in a while, you can ask "So, what's the latest with nursing school for you? Oh, you haven't registered yet? Better get with it - it may take a while!"

On the other hand, he's probably not worth the effort.

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