IF you have one opportunity to shadow a floor or unit what would it be?

Nurses General Nursing


I have a chance to shadow any unit out there for school but can't seem to figure out what to pick???? I would like to see an ER but what else is there?? any suggestions?

My absolute favorite areas where the NICU, PICU, and corrections at a max prison.

I shadowed a nurse on an inpatient oncology/med-surg floor. It was nice because I got to see a little of everything--post-op, discharges, a direct admit (all the nurses kind of went 'uh-oh' when they heard about that one!), catheter/chest tube/PEG tube care, IVs, PCAs, procedure scheduling, lab draws, dressing changes...I also got to see a few floor-specific things, like the lead-shielded rooms for radiation treatments and the 'room service' kitchen where patients can order what they want, when they want it. Just about anywhere you go you're going to get a different experience. Try to get assigned to a nurse who does a lot of precepting/teaching, and ask lots of questions!

Specializes in ED, ICU, PACU.
I have a chance to shadow any unit out there for school but can't seem to figure out what to pick???? I would like to see an ER but what else is there?? any suggestions?

What do YOU have an interest in? Is it high acuity? Then go to an ICU. Is it controlled chaos? then, you will love an ER. Would you lke to see walkie, talkies? Try a med-surg floor. Will need more information about what interests you in order to make suggestions.

ICU, OR, and flight.

Specializes in Burn, CCU, CTICU, Trauma, SICU, MICU.

i'd want to shadow in a prison

Specializes in Pediatric Psychiatry, Home Health VNA.

NICU/PICU, and neo/pedi transport hands down!

Specializes in Psychiatric.

Prison!! I REALLY want to work in a prison after we're restationed!! Or else a forensic psych hospital.

Shadow in the area that you think you want to work in. I precepted in L&D because I thought that's what I would want to do after graduation. I found out that I am not cut out for mommies and babies. Had I not precepted there, I might have ended up in a job I really didn't like.

Everyone has great ideas. Thanks so much in replying. I honestly don't know what I like. I did medical surgical before and I know that is not what I like. ER sounds exciting but scary at the same time. ICU seems like a very intense area but who knows until I do it.

I am almost positive I don't want to do PEDI's but NICU sounds intersting too. What a hard choice. :uhoh3:

Specializes in LTC.

What didn't you like about med-surg?

Is there a certian body system or disease process you are interested in? You could always try to find a placement in those areas.

I'd like to shadow CCU, NICU (fascinates me, but terrifies me), Cath Lab... I think those are the main ones I'm really interested in hearts (I work tele as a CNA), but there are some other areas I'm interested in just to try out to see how I fit in.

I want to say i like the heart but I have seen a cardiac unit and wasn't to impressed. Maybe it was cause it was a very small hospital. I should look into another floor. Thanks again

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