Published Aug 27, 2005
302 Posts
Hello, I like to share conversations with you all that come up at work, because you always come up with interesting answers. The questions of the day was "If you could no longer be a nurse, what would you do?" I had to think about this for awhile. I love taking care of people and helping them, so I guess my next choice would be teaching. What about all of you? If you woke up tomorrow and you were no longer a nurse? What would you do? And what would you want to be? :chuckle
Sherri RN
29 Posts
"The Next Hilton" heh heh
lol, good idea
342 Posts
dead.........could not imagine not being a nurse.
snowfreeze, BSN, RN
948 Posts
Well, two facilities I worked at closed and I am still a nurse. So been there, just found another place. If I was injured and could no longer be a bedside nurse I would probably teach or do research. If I finally got tired of all the aspects nursing could offer I would probably go back to animal science. I did corrective horseshoeing/performance horse rehab/bred horses/ran a working farm/grew things/studied personality genetics and color and performance genetics..guess I would just continue down my own happy path in life.
262 Posts
There is life beyond nursing...........there are days I love it, days I'd wish I'd never become a nurse. But it sure is great to have to the job security.
I have a friend who may have to eventually stop practicing d/t MS. The physical and mental impairment will probably make it difficult for her do doing anything for a living.
Personally, I'd like to be a pilot, but that is a mighty expensive hobby and you can't make the same money raising cats.:rotfl:
Katnip, RN
2,904 Posts
Lol I was thinking about breeding dogs or cats. But like Fluff said, it's hard to make money at it.
I'd probably do something parttime in a more holistic wellness center; massage therapy, meditation type classes or something.
20,964 Posts
oh i would be:
a spelunker
a beachcomber
a grandma(someday)
a wife ( for the rest of my life, God willing)
a Barista (I adore coffee!)
a beatnik
a poet
an artist
a book critic
a bum.......
so many things...
nursing has never defined me and never will.....
but it is a part of who I am!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,743 Posts
Hmmm....perhaps a pharmacist or social worker
UM Review RN, ASN, RN
1 Article; 5,163 Posts
I'd be a race car driver. I think there's less liability and it's probably safer on my back.
325 Posts
Great question! I would build and run shelters for moms, kids and animals.
1,046 Posts
I think if I weren't a nurse, I would be a cop! I loved working at the jail, it sure was never dull.