Published Sep 12, 2005
Aneroo, LPN
1,518 Posts
A girl on another board I post on was asking about this, and you guys are the best ones I know to ask!
She's looking for the pads with ice packs. She said she had them with her first child, and they felt wonderful "down there". I've looked at some medical supply websites, but can't find anything? Anyone know who makes them and what they're called? TIA-Andrea
z's playa
2,056 Posts
Try a frozen bag of peas. :chuckle
Wierd. Pads with ice?
Why may I ask? :)
20,964 Posts
1. I use a newborn diaper, cut a slit in it, and put crushed ice in padding. No leaking, works like a charm.
2. Also, a non latex glove, stuffed w/crushed ice and rubber-banded closed. Cover w/ an aloe lotion baby wipe and place to sore area, feels deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevine. This is great for many different kinds of lacerations, not just perineal. this for post partum care? I was trying to figure out why anyone would want ice 'down there' during pregnancy.
some people get hemorrhoids or perineal swelling during pregnancy, particularly the later stages......
Ahhhh......I see. Makes sense now.
rn/writer, RN
9 Articles; 4,168 Posts
I'll look at work to find out the brand name of the ice pads we use, but I have a feeling that since they're used by hospitals, they're probably very expensive. Not to mention that your friend would have to pay for shipping as well.
Deb's idea (using the newborn diapers) has to be far more cost effective.
17 Articles; 45,835 Posts
A girl on another board I post on was asking about this, and you guys are the best ones I know to ask!She's looking for the pads with ice packs. She said she had them with her first child, and they felt wonderful "down there". I've looked at some medical supply websites, but can't find anything? Anyone know who makes them and what they're called? TIA-Andrea
Hello, Aneroo,
I have racked my brain trying to remember the brand name of the peri ice pak (disposable ice packs for the perineum) our hospital. For some reason, the 3M company stands out......Maybe try contacting the OB/L&D department at your hospital and find out the brand name.
SmilinBlueyes probably remembers the brand name......
93 Posts
We use "Cool Peri-Pad" they are made by Centurion. On the package is the address 301 Catrell Dr., Howell, MI 48843. 1-800-248-4058
129 Posts
I work on Tues. PM. I'll let you know what brand we use. Speaking from personal experience, they are FABULOUS!! And they feel better than real ice, even crushed, which gets very cold and can be hard and sharp.
195 Posts
Try a frozen bag of peas. :chuckle Wierd. Pads with ice?Why may I ask? :) Z
:chuckle :chuckle :chuckle :chuckle :chuckle
583 Posts
I'm at work on a break now, we use "Kwik-Kold" perineal cold packs, made by Cardinal Health. Here's the website: but I don't know where you cold actually buy them.
These packs don't stay cold superlong, and don't absorb well. A diaper or maxi-pad filled with ice, as Deb suggested, seems to be much more effective for severe swelling, plus is more comfortable and absorbs much better.