I took my NCLEX today,,,,,


So I took my nclex this morning and I think I am still in shock. I had only 75 questions and I wasn't prepared for the computer to stop at that number. I actually was praying to only get that many questions and now that I did get it I am really freaking out. I walked away from that test knowing of only one question that I got correct:crying2:. I guess I wont even know how bad I did til maybe sunday.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the NCLEX forum

Good luck

I just took mine today and it shut off at 75 questions!! I was thinking it would. I got so many of the same type of questions! I kept thinking...OMG, am I answering these continuously wrong so they are giving me the same type of question over and over again? Only time will tell. Two agonizing days until results can be seen. Good luck!

Good luck!! I am sure you did great.

I felt the same way, passed at 75.

Perhaps try that "Pearson" trick I have heard about. It is actually posted on here somewhere (try searching), but I think the basic trick if it lets you register again or not will give you a hint if you passed or not.

I don't think that trick is real.... I am sitting here at work and still praying that I did ok. I am sure that I got 4 question correct and that is about it.

Arievilo good luck to you as well

I just check and I pass the NCLex I am official yeaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!

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