Published Aug 30, 2006
1 Post
I have never posted on here before but have been a long time reader ever since I decided to become a nurse about a year ago. I decided to go to LPN school, got accepted, and started classes a little over a month ago. I have already taken a couple of tests, learned some basic skills, and started clinicals last week. Here is my problem... I am miserable. I just do not think nursing is for me. I wanted to become a nurse because I cared for my grandfather for many years during my late teenage years and early 20's and remembered how fullfilling that was for me. I wanted to do the same for other people. But now that I have been in nursing school for this time I learned that I really do not have the compassion for other people that I had with someone I really loved. I went to a community college before entering LPN school for about a year and took general study courses and found out through the many elective classes I took that I have many interests. Interests that I now wish I persued. I know I couldn't have learned this lesson with out at least trying but hear I am 4 weeks later and $3000 poorer feeling like a complete failure/quitter.
I'm not sure what kind of responses i'm looking for, I just needed to vent and know this is a good crowd that will listen. Thanks.
Jules A, MSN
8,864 Posts
I'm sorry you have decided nursing isn't for you but glad you are being honest enough to accept it now rather than later. Life is too short to do something that you don't have passion for. Do yourself a favor and if this is really how you feel allow yourself to explore your other interests. The pre-reqs you have taken should transfer over toward other degrees as gen-ed credits so all is not lost. I know it seems like a lot of money and time right now but in the big picture of your life it is really just a tiny drop in the bucket. Much happiness to you with whatever you decide. Jules
Pedi-ER-RN, RN
103 Posts
At least you know that nursing is not for you early on. You could be a year into school and out alot more $$. Sounds like you've already done some soul searching and you've decided nursing is not for you, there's nothing wrong with that. I wish you luck in whatever you decide to pursue.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,418 Posts
Be true to yourself. Some of life's lessons are hard learned. You never would have forgiven yourself for not going to nursing school. So now you know.
Good luck in whatever you do.
317 Posts
I know that it is hard for you to come to such a decision, but you gave it a try. Nursing is NOT for everyone. I have alot of miserable students in my LPN classes over the years - people who got laid off from their jobs, kids whose parents made them come(and stay) in classes. Good luck!
88 Posts
wow, 117 views and only 4 replies :) guess people were looking for more drama.
Its good that you decided it wasn't for you. I had people graduate who knew it wasn't for them, but did it anyways because they thought they would be rich, it was sad.
You can always go back to school and fulfill yourself down another path
24 Posts
I know how you feel....I thought I wanted to work in Human Resources for some big company. Had 6 classes left to get my degree in psychology at a private university and I decided that I HATED working in an office and I did not want to do this the rest of my life. I have over $20,000 in student loans to pay off now because of this. Now I`m trying to get into nursing school because I know this is my passion, it`s what I have wanted to do since I was little and I let a scary Chemistry porfessor talk me out of trying to be a nurse!
Keepstanding, ASN, RN
1,600 Posts
I congratulate you on your honesty. You are not making a mistake by getting out now. Your maturity and levelheadedness regarding this is commendable. Consider it a lesson learned and then go find your passion.
12 Posts
Good for you for being so mature and logical about this situation. I've met nurses who do not like what they are doing and they are not doing anyone any favors, least of all themselves. I am a firm believer in persuing and encouraging happiness. I think you are blessed to know yourself well enough to have figured it out so quickly.
Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you have imagined. -Thoreau
507 Posts
i'm glad you've taken the time to examine your feelings and be honest with yourself. i would be even harder for you to continue on hoping that one day you will fall in love with nursing if you keep trying. persue what is in your heart don't beat yourself up over your decision. best of luck in your future endeavors.
50 Posts
Don't let it get you down! Now you know that nursing is not what you want. Like Tweety said, if you never went through with nursing school, you would have lived your entire life saying, "What if?????" Now you know. Good luck in whatever it is you choose to do!
81 Posts
OK - so you realize you've made a mistake and don't want to be a nurse. That's good, because it shows that you know where your strengths and weaknesses are. However, you probably need to take it one step further. Please go to the counseling office at your local college / university and have them do career testing on you. It is totally free and when you are done it matches your strengths and weaknesses, likes and dislikes to different career fields that you might possibly be interested in. At that point you can look at the different careers that interest you from the selection list and see what type of schooling they require, how much salary they make, and what the demand for future is for that profession. This is offered at all schools that I know of and is a very useful tool. You might also want to consider career testing for the armed forces if you are so inclined. They do a test called the ASFAB (?) I belive that could tell you what careers they might be able to offer you as well if you are interested in that area. Good luck to you in your future - consider $3,000 well spent and move past the mistake. Afterall, if you hadn't gone you probably would have always wondered if that was a field you should have gone into - now you know :) Take care....