I think I should just throw in the towel I don't want to but I think I'm forced to


I'm currently a pre-nursing student at a community college near by, my gpa is a 2.091 with 45 credited classes due to me having a d in sociology my freshman year, this past fall and spring term I received a d in A&p 2 both times I took it with the same professor. Ive gotten c's in micro and a&p1, I guess you can say I'm a complete screw up I've just been going through a lot of stress lately with working two jobs going to school full time and being one of the primary providers in my household. Is it smart to retake as many classes as I can? I've taken all my prerequisites it's just A&p 2 that I need to repeat. I'm taking nutrition over I got a c in that, I'm taking health and wellness, sociology and a&p2 this fall coming up, idk what I should do what path I should take or anything I just wished that I took school a lot more seriously 2 years ago because I'm absolutely paying for my mistakes.. Is there any advice that anyone can give me? No sugar coating I need to out weigh the options I have

Sorry I don't have much advice but what I do know is at the end of the day it comes down to how much you really want something. If you truly want something you will do anything you can to make that happen and if things don't work out then I would say that path wasn't meant for you and to take an alternative route. It is still possible that you end up where you want to be in the long run. Stay strong and best of luck to you.

Hello Tom,

It looks to me, from your posting, that you have a lot on your plate. Read through similar postings and see how others dealt with their stresses.

Only you can decide what to do. I can only suggest what I would do in your case:

I would see a counselor at my school and would rethink working two jobs and time spend in school, but take it one class at a time. Why the hurry? I would also see how I could either set aside money right now so I could work less during nursing school, or find out what financial support I could get, again, school may know more about this. Also, talk to your instructors, try to find out where it goes wrong on your test.

and finally: be honest to yourself. Check the total amount of time you study each week for your classes. Do you spend the time on it that you are supposed to put into it, or do you try to cut corners due to overload of commitments?

What I learned from other students and here by reading the forum, is that there is no single path set in stone that you have to follow to get where you want to be. We all have our own path, our own strategies (keep it legal and honest, please) and our own pace to get to that moment that the application for a program is submitted.

Good luck with your decision.

I'm currently a pre-nursing student at a community college near by, my gpa is a 2.091 with 45 credited classes due to me having a d in sociology my freshman year, this past fall and spring term I received a d in A&p 2 both times I took it with the same professor. Ive gotten c's in micro and a&p1, I guess you can say I'm a complete screw up I've just been going through a lot of stress lately with working two jobs going to school full time and being one of the primary providers in my household. Is it smart to retake as many classes as I can? I've taken all my prerequisites it's just A&p 2 that I need to repeat. I'm taking nutrition over I got a c in that, I'm taking health and wellness, sociology and a&p2 this fall coming up, idk what I should do what path I should take or anything I just wished that I took school a lot more seriously 2 years ago because I'm absolutely paying for my mistakes.. Is there any advice that anyone can give me? No sugar coating I need to out weigh the options I have

Geesh, no wonder your having such a hard time, man. Firstly take a deep breath. Relax, ok? Listen, your working 2 jobs. Trust me, I know your in the situation where you have to earn to get by. The thing is, your going to have to drop some of that, dude. You need time to rest and study. I know things will be ok for you, but try and relax. All that stress won't be good for you.

Thanks for your honest replies, I know I haven't been pushing myself as hard as I can go back then and now with all the stress, I just know that I'm ready to work and bring my gpa up to at least a 2.5 or higher. I decided when school does start I'm going to have to quit and spend more time on my studies I really want to be a nurse and start my future I just hope I didn't blow all my chances away. I've spoken to counselors at my school and they've given me characteristic tests and none of them helped it just told me to do nursing. I know I'm made to be a nurse I just love helping people it's just the book work and working two jobs and having others courses to take is overwhelming, but I'm ready now do you think I have a chance to get into a program even with repeating A&p 2 3 times?

School may not be the best option in your case. You are working 2 jobs. You need time for studying. Good luck to you.

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

In my experience, sometimes you aren't doing the wrong thing, but you might be doing the right thing at the wrong time.

And that can have steep consequences - especially since your GPA is permanent.

I don't buy into the "you just have to want it really badly@ crud. It takes more than wanting it. It takes a clear state of mind (stress is a killer), the financial means, brains, and a whole host of other things. If you REALLY want it but it doesn't seem to be working out, sometimes the best thing to do is resolve the "missing link," rather than running full speed ahead into a brick wall over and over again.

I don't know you, and I don't know your situation, so please don't take this as encouragement to give up. I just wanted to give my perspective. :)

Specializes in Hospitalist Medicine.

You also need to honestly assess this with yourself. Is this REALLY what you want to do? If you are working 2 jobs right now and trying to go to school, how do you think you can keep this up in nursing school? (Hint: you can't). I don't want to be discouraging, but I want you to be realistic about your goals. If you don't have the time now to devote to pre-reqs, nursing school is going to be even that much harder. And just getting the minimum 2.5 doesn't mean you're going to get in to a program either.

So, sit back and take stock of everything you've got going on in your life. Can you afford to work just one job so you'll have time to devote to study? If this is something you truly want to do, you'll make every effort to do what you need to excel and do your best. If not, you really need to rethink your options.

Again, not trying to be negative, just honest.

A few years ago, I screwed up as well & didn't take college seriously. I also didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, career wise. However, my nursing advisor suggested I retake all the classes I received a C and below In. Best idea ever. I had a 1.93 gpa and after retaking 6 classes, I have a 3.40. It's worth it if u want it badly enough! I want more than anything to be a nurse

Can you take one class at a time, Tom? That might help too, and be less money all at once.

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