I PASSEEDDDD !!!!!!!!!!

Nursing Students NCLEX


Specializes in Skilled Nursing and Rehab.

i don't even know where to begin

at 8:00 am this morning (9/22/2010) i took the hardest exam i have ever taken in my life. i laid down in my bed last night at around 9pm and did not fall asleep until midnight and i woke up like every 2 hours. i woke up 5:15am this morning with the worst gut wrenching feeling i have ever had in my life, i tried eating and i couldn't all i had was a bottle of water. i arrived at the testing center around 7:10 am, there were 3 other girls that had the same appointment time as i did. the difference with them and i was that they were confident within themselves and i was not (i had done a final assessment the day before with my kaplan cd and only got 63%:crying2:). we did all the necessary procedures for checking in. a young lady escorted me to a computer and signed me on. i did the tutorial and then the disaster was about to occur i was convinced. i sat at the computer looking at question 1 for about 6 minutes (in a daze) then i rest my head on the table and began to pray and cried and cried and cried and cry again..i started the test and i can remember the whole time saying ***!!:eek::mad:..this is not a nursing examination this has to be what doctors take in order to obtain their license. the options were so close!!..i stopped at number 70 to go get a drink of water and a bathroom break (and i cried and again)..i went back to the computer and i started again..now i am at #84 and i said to myself my test is gonna stop after 85 and it did, the screen went blue!! n i started to freak out and told the lady that something was wrong with my computer. i wanted a chance to redeem myself because i was so sure that i was selecting all the wrong answers. i completed the survey and sat there for like 5 minutes gazing at the screen then i raised my hand and was escorted out the room..i cried all the way home (i took public transportation by the way) and people were looking at me like whats wrong with her?..a few people asked me if i was ok and i just looked at them with a blank stare..i was convinced that i had failed because some of the stuff i never even heard of before:eek:.

then i came home and logged into allnurses.com saw the thread about the pvt and decided to try it and to my surprise i got the "good pop up" and was told to contact the board of nursing and i said there is no way that this crap can be accurate. i contacted the bon and a lady answered and i asked her if she ever heard about this pvt and she said no. she asked when i took my exam and i told her this morning and she said there is nothing on their end but she can check on pearsons vue end and see if anything is there i said ok and gave her my info. then she said "congratulations you're a nurse", and i was like what did you say? and she said it again..all i could do was screammmmmmmmm and cry. and she was so nice about it and listened to this total stranger cry and told her how happy she was and asking her to check again, and asking her if she was joking.

-i didn't even know that they would have access to the results that soon (my exam was over at 10:16am) and i called them at about 12:30pm

i had 20 questions on medications (i counted)

the rest consisted of standard precautions, few maternity, positioning, disease processes etc... (know your lab values!)

enough of my blabbing..i know its easier said than done, but people please have some faith in yourself..you made it through nursing school and you can do it!! i am now a nurse:nurse:


congrats!!! I find out tomorrow if I passed or not!!

Specializes in Skilled Nursing and Rehab.

I will pray and hope that u passed as well:)

Specializes in Skilled Nursing and Rehab.

Congratulations!! I find out tomorrow also.. I tried calling my BON but they dont have access to that info :( patience is a virtue and I have none!

edit: I called again and got the lady to look me up but she said that she cannot allow me to register for the nclex again because my status appears as "closed" so im hoping that's a good thing...


Specializes in Skilled Nursing and Rehab.
congratulations!! i find out tomorrow also.. i tried calling my bon but they dont have access to that info :( patience is a virtue and i have none!

edit: i called again and got the lady to look me up but she said that she cannot allow me to register for the nclex again because my status appears as "closed" so im hoping that's a good thing...

i hope so as well...idk you but i have a strong feeling that u did pass:yeah:..be sure to keep us updated with your official results..now it's on to the other task: finding a job! lol

Specializes in LTC.

congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is an awesome feeling!!!!... i passed as well and i know it is only by the grace of god and my hard work!!!!

Specializes in Skilled Nursing and Rehab.
congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is an awesome feeling!!!!... i passed as well and i know it is only by the grace of god and my hard work!!!!

that is sooo true...congratulations to you too:yeah:...:nurse:

I feel you~ even if i haven't taken the exam yet. I'm pretty sure i'm gonna cry, too.. All i know is God is good and he's gonna save me~ :)

congrats.....i hope i pass toooooo

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