Published May 15, 2010
154 Posts
This is my victory. I graduated a less than a year and a half ago. I studied on and off for about a year. I had lots of support from my husband,children, best friend ,and other family. I would study for a couple of months and then something would happen where I would break off from studying for a couple of weeks. I never felt assured going into my test if I didn't have continously studying. I must have rescheduled my date at least six times. I had some major life changing events take place before I took Nclex-Rn. First, my best friend of 20 years died in March. She died unexpectedly. Nothing that I could get prepared for. The day she passed I was suppose to come in town. She was planning a seafood bash with my sister for me(we live about 3.5 hrs from each other) .(Lord help me).I was Blessed to have her as my best friend. I am going into great length about her because the Nursing Profession also lost one of their beloved LPN's of 18 years.March 31st, her brother died.( Lord I am weak). This was too much too soon.I started back studying again. I got not one but two viruses on my computer which I had to have repaired. (no computer now for days each time) I tested on April 30,2010. It was hard. Lots of SATA,prioritization, meds,a few infection control. I passed.I prayed before every (yes every) question. As a matter of fact I have been praying through all of this faithfully. I miss my best friend dearly ......She always pushed me to take the test,she kept saying I would pass. Best Friend I did pass......somehow I know you know that,already. Allnurses thank you, I used this website alot. I recommmend it to everyone I know who is also on this journey. God thank you, I know without you I would not have made it through. My husband, children, best friend,and family thank you for hanging in there with me. I promise to be the best nurse that I can be and allow God to use me where he needs me. For all those who are testing,re-testing or whatever the case may be don't give up pray, pray, pray without ceasing
nothing happens before it's time. It took me a little time to post this but I know I had to because somebody needed to hear this. GOD BLESS ! ! ! ! !
38,333 Posts
84 Posts
I got goose bumps reading your story. Through sorrows and tears you became a victor:yeah:. Congratulations on passing! That's a big milestone.
Thanks !
195 Posts
Thank God that at last you made it.
congratulations !!
371 Posts
congratulations!! :)
107 Posts
Thank you all. I thank God everyday,all day. After every storm there is sunshine. Sometimes it still doesn't seem real. It is an awesome feeling ! ! !
1,007 Posts
26 Posts
:clpty::clpty: Congrats!!