Published Jun 23, 2006
55 Posts
what is a pot-head? does a person that does weed here and then falls into that category? does a person that does weed only when socializing but never alone falls into that category also? and why is weed called the intellectual drug?
thank you!
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
Last question, no clue. My understanding of a pot head is one who uses on a regular basis and refuses to quit.
31 Posts
I have 'friends' who i consider in that category. they wake up-smoke- head to work-smoke- go to lunch-smoke- get home-smoke-smoke-smoke- eat dinner-smoke- watch tv-smoke...... they basically cannot even get dressed or do anything without 'smoking a joint' prior.:biere:
222 Posts
Yeah I got a couple pot-head friends too
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,863 Posts
It's called the "intellectual drug" sarcastically because when people smoke it they get into what they think are "deep" intillectual discussions, when in fact they spent two hours talking about a crack on the ceiling.
"Pot head" is really a subjective term.
297 Posts
what the last five said what a pot head is, it is.
532 Posts
It's called the "intellectual drug" sarcastically because when people smoke it they get into what they think are "deep" intillectual discussions, when in fact they spent two hours talking about a crack on the ceiling."Pot head" is really a subjective term.
hahahah yes! This is hilarious.
229 Posts
This is an unusal thread!!! A pot-head is someone who smokes weed a lot. When they are high, they start thinking and looking into things deeper but they are thinking about stuff that don't matter like where do dinosaurs come from ( a friend of mine called to ask me and it was hilarious) I use the term loosely just to call names. For instance instead of calling them potheads, I call them crackheads.
I have a question, is there any long term effects to people who smoke weed? The only thing I can think of is memory lost.
344 Posts
There was this girl in high school who told me that "yesterday when she was buzzin" she and her twin had the most mind blowing convo about whether the chair was really blue or had we just always been taught thjat it was blue and it was really red?
OH DEAR GOD!!!!!!!
Intellectual drug, huh?
hahahah yes! this is hilarious.
yeap, is really funny! capribry have a question about long term effects and i have a question about addiction, symptoms, and causes. i know this is going to sound nuts but are there signs that would tell who is going to do it? meaning who is more supcetible of using weed in their future? does something like a weed profile exists? thanks again, cyb
yeap, is really funny! capribry have a question about long term effects and i have a question about addiction, symptoms, and causes. i know this is going to sound really crazy but are there signs? meaning who is more supcetible of using weed something like a weed profile? thanks again, cyb
i think that pretty much all types of people smoke weed just like all kinds of people smoke cigarettes. i'm gonna surf the internet to see if there are any studies on marijuana. i know people who do it, i personally don't i am scared to put anything in my body even prescription medication and alcohol!! some people can start losing hair if they have the balding gene in their family. some say that males become sterile (that's a lie since i am the mother of a soon to be 2 year old) it makes you have phlem (sp?) weed is addicting b/c if it wasn't they wouldn't smoke it all the time. most people don't think it is though. they smoke it to calm their nerves and to be relax. well that's pretty much all i know about it!!
543 Posts
pothead is like sh*thead. it's really subjective. more importantly, why do you need this info? i'm itching to know.