I might gag


Hi I'm a 23 year old student that's entering lpn school real soon. I just want to share a problem with you guys. Its like if I smell strong body waste. I have no problem with urine. But poob and a spit cup reaally erks me. I hope I can get over this problem I have. Can u tell me how you all deal with situations like this. Is there any hope for me.

That's wazup smokey you should write stories, yours was awsome. Thanks for caring and sharing.

That's wazup CT pixie you should write stories, yours was awsome. Thanks for caring and sharing.

Many Nurses seem to get very angry with those that admit that they do not enjoy the sight or smell of fecal matter.

I have never seen that. We do, however, get annoyed at someone asking how they can be a nurse if they refuse to touch any of the aforementioned stuff.

I carry a small bottle of essential oil in my pocket. I usually use peppermint or spearmint. I just small amount under my nose works wonders. It helps for the smell of just about anything. I use it for the bad wound smells too... that is my weakness...lol

HALL'S cough drop's LOL. I used to teach CNA classes for a local college. Hold one in your mouth, the menthol smell is so strong it seems to help keep the "other" smell out. Good Luck

Specializes in Geriatrics.

I am laughing out loud, because i can sooo relate to trach care! Any sputum. In fact, I vomitted in a room as a CNA one time. It was embarrassing since the family was all there!

vicks under the nose works. dont worry about the gagging part. nursing school will desensitize you from all of the icky stuff. if not all then most of it. anyway best of luck to you.

Specializes in NICU, PEDS, M/S, DOU, ICU, REHAB.
I have found it helpful to breathe through your mouth.

yuck. That makes me gag thinking about it!

Mine is head mucus. NOT lung mucus, just the green stuff. Hate trach care. Hate suctioning.

I first felt that way when i was working in an assited living facility and i Know its hard to compose your self, but i just thought of how aweful and embarrassed the patient must of been. I tried not to show any looks of horror and dread and I actually wanted to help those that really needed help because i had so much sympathy for the patients that just could not do it to themselves. Ive dealt with cleaning and dressing infections of an uncircumsized member and I thought OMG!!! i have to do what?!?!?!?!.....but keeping his infection clean and dry was imperative and if i didnt do it he could have died. I think its an unglamorous part of the jhob that has glorious outcomes. He passed away a litlle over a year ago and i had a wave of happiness that I had helped him llive a better life for the rest of his days rush over me the day i found out he had passed...(i had stopped working for him 3 months prior when i was 7 months pregnant). I know the family was very grateful that i had bonded with him and yes there is always gonna be somethings that you just cant help, thats natural you just have to try conceiling it until you are alone so that no one gets hurts.And for me, the bond between myself and the patient made all difference!

Specializes in Cardiac.

I've had the gag-sessions many times. I always try to put myself in the patient's place-it is super-embarassing to be incontinent, and it is a horrible feeling to have someone help you with something private and personal, that you can't do for yourself. It gets me really upset to see other workers making yucky faces while giving patient care-a gag is one thing, you can always excuse yourself or turn your head-but this is something different. I think it is very unprofessional to say the least.

There are a couple of things that help me if I know the place Im going is gonna be stinky. Most times it is unexpected so I dont have time to prepare, but if I do I take a little Peppermint oil and put it under my nose. (less sticky than vix) Also there is a room spray called Ozium(vanilla scent)-it is a great pocket size and it is mild scented- alot better than the commercial room deoderizers they usually provide at the facilities.

Hope this helps!

Works for me. Although I've become acustom to most smells, not many both me anymore.

I learned the Vicks under the nose trick when i was a newbie EMT. The paramedic I rode with tossed me a little container of Vicks on the way to a call one night. I had no idea why he did it, I though, do I sound congested or like I have a cold? I said, I don't need this but thanks. He laughed and said "Love, when we get to this call you are going to need MORE than just Vicks" The call was for "unknown medical" meaning nothing more specific was given by the caller for the ambulance. (the medic had a bit more info that the police had given him, but all I knew was unknown medical)

We walked in and the police coming out of the apartment looked as though they were going to vomit, several were gagging. The pile of newspapers at the apartment door was a clue...obviously someone in that apartment had died a few days ago (from the pile of papers I'd have to guess at least a week). I took all that in BEFORE the stench hit me full force! I grabbed that Vicks, clogged up both nostrils with it (it is supposed to go under your nose..not in it LOL) grabbed a mask, took a deep breath and held it as I went in.

It was not a pretty site or smell, body was decomposing, bodily fluids leaking onto the floor, it was the dead of summer and we had been having 90+ temps for about 4 of the 7 or so days the person died.

I made it though that call. Didn't take a whole lot of time since obviously the person was dead. Paramedic made a dead on scene call and off we went.

If I can make it though that call with just vicks and a mask, I can make it though pretty much anything with just vicks :lol2: Yeah I'd have to say, it works, at least for me

Thank you so much i guess Vicks will become my best friend. I love you guys at allnurses. Thank you again

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