I might gag


Hi I'm a 23 year old student that's entering lpn school real soon. I just want to share a problem with you guys. Its like if I smell strong body waste. I have no problem with urine. But poob and a spit cup reaally erks me. I hope I can get over this problem I have. Can u tell me how you all deal with situations like this. Is there any hope for me.

Specializes in LTC.

I just have to agree with the Vicks idea. I do watch alot of crime shows (CSI, Criminal Minds...etc). They seem to always say Vicks. While it may not be the best thing to have, it will help you. Anything that you find for yourself will help you feel more comfortable. I think maybe one of the sticks for the nose might work too? It's like a chapstick, and pocket size. As a CNA, I had to learn to deal with the smells. I have to say though, trach care really bothers me. It's not even the mucous. It's the mucous collecting in the canister and going thru the tube that bothers me. Is that weird or what??!! And I have 3 kids! So poop and vomit don't bother me anymore... LOL :grn:

I'm so glad this was posted. I am about to start LPN school and was worried about if I would be able to get through some things without gagging. I am going to try some of these tips!

I have trouble with the smell from ostomy bags. seems to smell worse when it comes out that way. I just deal with it, don't make any faces pretend it is not bothering me, until I get to the bathroom!

Specializes in EMS, ER, GI, PCU/Telemetry.

burt's bees mint chapstick works well too. i used this a paramedic and have recommended it to alot of my fellow students. and if you smell something really funky, and it sticks to your skin (i had this problem a few times, esp with burn calls), take a shower with lemon juice. it works! also learning to mouth breathe helps. and kitty litter or coffee grounds helps with colostomy and decub smell. put some under the bed in a bedpan in the room.

everyone has their thing that freaks them out. smells i can do fine with. i'd rather smell poop then look at foot funk anyday. i hate toenails. ew.

Specializes in NICU, PEDS, M/S, DOU, ICU, REHAB.
I just have to agree with the Vicks idea. I do watch alot of crime shows (CSI, Criminal Minds...etc). They seem to always say Vicks. While it may not be the best thing to have, it will help you. Anything that you find for yourself will help you feel more comfortable. I think maybe one of the sticks for the nose might work too? It's like a chapstick, and pocket size. As a CNA, I had to learn to deal with the smells. I have to say though, trach care really bothers me. It's not even the mucous. It's the mucous collecting in the canister and going thru the tube that bothers me. Is that weird or what??!! And I have 3 kids! So poop and vomit don't bother me anymore... LOL :grn:

And here I thought I was the only one. As a nursing student in clinicals the respiratory therapists thought it was great to have the students empty ALL the canisters in patient rooms- there were a lot of trachs on that floor. I complained to the instructor and she got us out of it..

As I get older, my gag reflex is weaker..

My nemesis has always been sputum. Yuck~~ Esp. after a breathing tx. and it gets spit into a emesis basin. Ever tried to get that out?

Specializes in see above.
burt's bees mint chapstick works well too. i used this a paramedic and have recommended it to alot of my fellow students. and if you smell something really funky, and it sticks to your skin (i had this problem a few times, esp with burn calls), take a shower with lemon juice. it works! also learning to mouth breathe helps. and kitty litter or coffee grounds helps with colostomy and decub smell. put some under the bed in a bedpan in the room.

everyone has their thing that freaks them out. smells i can do fine with. i'd rather smell poop then look at foot funk anyday. i hate toenails. ew.

A-MEN. I hate feet. ewww... i know they are supposd to be there, but please god dont make me touch them, or look at them EVEn with gloves on! ewwwww lol

Specializes in LTC.
Not a genius. I read a lot of crime and mystery novels and that's what they do when they find a corpse. It works.


Hee I saw that in Silence of the Lambs...OP, you will most likely get used to it (well at least to the point where it won't make you wanna gag or barf).

Specializes in geriatrics.

This is why I love allnurses..............Im not so weird after all LOL

When I first started nursing school, I could not even deal with my husband or kid's blood without wanting to puke. To see my own blood would make me light-headed. I've only been a nurse for a year, and I can say you do get over the initial 'OMG' factor of bodily functions/smells. You build confidence and get so used to seeing things every day that you build a resistence to it.

On the other hand......every nurse has something they cannot stand. Mine is changing dressings on decubitis ulcers. I have a pt. that has a stage 4 decub on his sacral area. The tx nurse is also my friend and she will pull me in to help turn and hold him while she changes the dressing. OMG I never knew how bad rotting flesh could smell, has almost brought me to my knees several times. Especially since she usually does it right before lunch :cry: Will say I've lost 5 pounds since.........hehe

I think I will keep vicks in my pocket for now on.....great tip :)

Specializes in LTC.

Yeah, I can't stand feet, either. I can barely force myself to put a band-aid on a toe, much less cut toenails. Anything feet turns my stomach. I always refer the "toenail" issues to the podiatrist that comes in. And it's not just the elderly, if my husband puts his big, nasty, hairy feet anywhere near me I freak. I really don't understand folks with foot fetishes. YICK! Give me gaping, oozing sores any day.

Specializes in LTC.
This is why I love allnurses..............Im not so weird after all LOL

When I first started nursing school, I could not even deal with my husband or kid's blood without wanting to puke. To see my own blood would make me light-headed. I've only been a nurse for a year, and I can say you do get over the initial 'OMG' factor of bodily functions/smells. You build confidence and get so used to seeing things every day that you build a resistence to it.

On the other hand......every nurse has something they cannot stand. Mine is changing dressings on decubitis ulcers. I have a pt. that has a stage 4 decub on his sacral area. The tx nurse is also my friend and she will pull me in to help turn and hold him while she changes the dressing. OMG I never knew how bad rotting flesh could smell, has almost brought me to my knees several times. Especially since she usually does it right before lunch :cry: Will say I've lost 5 pounds since.........hehe

I think I will keep vicks in my pocket for now on.....great tip :)

Yeah, that rotting chicken wound smell is the one that turns my stomach, too...yeeeeeeeeech.

Specializes in pediatric vent,adult quad vent,ltc.

for me it's vomit I take care of vent pts.I thought it would gross me out since kids picking there nose makes me gag,but,I guess it's just different for me if it comes out the trach.I also,have worked OR cinnamon or chocolate drops will mask the smell of burning flesh or decubs:p:nurse:

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