I just got fired... what the hell happened?

Nurses General Nursing


Ok , this came out of left field... at least to ME!

I was fired today. Whoa, the reality is setting in now... or is that the wine I'm drinking? UGH.

Got called into a meeting w/the supervisor and HR (or, as I like to refer to them, INhumane resources).

Suddenly - thrust into my lap, are allegations of patient safety issues, complaints made by my coworkers (of a different shift).

Ok.. you're wondering.. "then why are you so shocked?"

Here's the kicker...


I normally would question a post where someone stated all complaints against them were lies.. heck, I questioned my own SELF... Did I really do that? Could I have forgotten NOT taking care of a pressure 210/100? Did I NOT give an anti-inflammatory to a pt w/COPD??? Did I sign off meds that I hadn't actually GIVEN??? NEVER.. I addressed each and every one of those issues.. AND documented in notes. *****!!!

Holy crap... I've heard of being bamboozled - but never thought this would exist in a supposed caring profession.

Never thought *I* would be on the receiving end of these falsehoods!!! :eek:

And yet, here I sit - without a job - a worse yet, without hope for this profession. WHY are some people so back-biting and just plain EVIL?

And.. WHY .. WHY is their word TAKEN for truth, without being thoroughly investigated? This isn't right, it shouldn't be allowed to happen.. yet it does.

I'm happy for the time off, believe me.. I could use a break. But, damn, the humiliation - the second guessing myself - seeing those s.o.b's act as though they're so righteous, and faultless.. when.. damn, where the HELL is their conscience?

Ok.. so now I feel like a failure - like I've actually been a horrible nurse - but why can't I make myself believe that? WHY do I still find my actions correct in proper and DAMNIT GOOD care of my patients!????

Ugh.. maybe it IS the wine.. :uhoh3:

I am so sorry that you are going through this, and my thoughts and prayers are with you. YOU deserve some place better, that doesn't play all of these games!

There are times, like after hearing someone like leslie :-D, saying they fought and won that I wish I would've looked harder and longer for an attorney.

I don't mean to be discouraging about that prospect. It may be just a bit more difficult to find a lawyer who is willing to take your wrongful termination case in a will to work state.

There are exceptions, though, to almost every rule. Hopefully you can find an honest attorney willing to fight for your employment rights regardless of the laws in your state. :nurse:

Miss, I just read your post and nearly fell off my chair.

First, I must tell you how BADLY I feel that you're going through this. Secondly, I will APOLOGIZE to you on THEIR behalf for treating you so UNJUSTLY after the care you have provided to their patients, as well as the service you have given to their facility. And to also COMMEND you for sticking it out for so long, because by the tone of your type, I could also tell that you most likely weren't 100% happy with your employer.

I am a newly licensed LPN, new to the field of nursing. I chose this profession after many years of deliberation, but wholeheartedly decided it was where I should be. Even not knowing you, I can bet that many of my reasons for chosing the profession were probably similar to yours. Looking for job stability, perform public service, a profession which requires intelligence, and quite possibly the chance to improve the quality of life and/or independence and functionality of someone who may not otherwise have that chance.

Before nursing, I worked in telecom. Yes, I know a few of you are laughing, and it IS a far cry from healthcare, but let's just say I not only wanted a career change, but truly began to see that the value of human life far exceeded any 'ol telephone lines.

What's REALLY burning me about your situation, is that after TEN years of service that I dedicated to this telecom giant (name rhymes with "HORIZON") I was FIRED IN THE EXACT SAME MANNER AS YOU.

The evidence they brought against me was FALSE. LIES. Management falsified records showing me coming in late when I was actually ON TIME... AND HAD EVIDENCE TO SHOW I WAS ON TIME!! I not only had documentation, but co-workers who gave witness statements and character profiles of me being a great employee, but also A UNION THAT BACKED ME! AND I STILL WAS TERMINATED UNJUSTLY!

To tell you how disgusting it got and how dirty they played, they accused me (and this was word of mouth which they ALSO TOOK AS FACT) that I was having an affair with a high level supervisor. I asked them to produce proof, and they could not, but stated, "Well, that's what one of your co-workers said, so we'll have to enter those facts into the case and consider them."


I felt like I was living in a BAD NIGHTMARE. They completely ignored reality and replaced it with their own.

They also blocked my unemployment so that I was not entitled to ANY MONEY. At that point, I almost WISHED I HAD done something with the way they were treating me. I was depressed, HIGHLY embarassed, disgusted, as my name had been dragged through the mud for something I never even did.

I know I should be posting an uplifting, motivational message here, but girl, I will be honest with you, as I believe that is the BEST way...

Things are changing. The job market isn't what it used to be. Professions, even the most credible, are not. Every industry is trying to save a buck any way they can, and those who haven't received assistance from some sort of bail-out plan have no other choice but to cut costs via their biggest expense.... their employees.

The BEST advice I can give you right now, is to try and pay off as much of your debt as possible, if possible. Don't touch your 401K if you have one, as that is your lifeline. If you have family support or friends who you can lean on, don't be afraid to cash in a few favors that could help you. I'm not going to lie to you and say "everything's going to be okay" but I will tell you that the more you can control the situation on your end (debts, help from others, unemployment) the better you can do damage control. Don't be ashamed to go to the unemployment office, don't be afraid to apply for food stamps if you need them. Utilize job centers, career services at local community colleges, and your state's employment department. You dilligently paid your taxes and performed your services, and at this point, you are ENTITLED to benefits. There's nothing wrong with applying for these services to help you get back on your feet.

With that said, I speak to you from experience, I speak to you from my heart. As I sit here and write this, I am going through the EXACT situation you are in now... just 2 years later. (Lost my job 8/2008.)

You know how sometimes when things happen you say to yourself... "If I only knew someone in the same situation who can give me some advice!"

Well here I am, my friend. :o)

It's not going to be an easy journey, and yes, advice is easier said than done. But remember... you made it through nursing school, you made it through clinicals, and state boards. You CAN do this. Remain focused, prioritize, and even be creative.

I TRULY, TRULY am so sorry that this happened to you. Don't let them defeat you. Control what you can right now. Best of Luck to you, I wish you all the love in the world. Take care of yourself!!!

Well...I don't have a lot of advice to give, but I will tell you that all things happen for a reason.

After I got fired, I was devastated...beyond belief. After I got done crying and feeling sorry for myself and doubting that I would ever get a job again, (I really wallowed in self pity) I found a job. A few jobs later, I have found my niche again and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE going to work. A few things happened along the way that have really helped to remind me of why I love nursing and have made such a difference in my outlook on life. If I hadn't been fired, I wouldn't have some of the friends that I do, I wouldn't have been reminded about how awesome LTC nurses are, and a certain little old lady wouldn't have blessed me by telling me how much she loves me!

Anyway...I'm rambling (cold medicine does this to me), but being fired eventually led me to where I needed to be. I have a great job, have touched some lives, have been touched by many lives, and life is good.

You ARE a good nurse. You ARE a special, kind, caring person. You WILL find another job. If you can afford to take time off, kick back and relax...enjoy the holidays and your friends and family for a few weeks!

Specializes in Peds Homecare.

I as well "fought the bastards" and won. I'd only been a nurse for about 18 months, and was working in our small( now closed) community hospital. It's a long story, but even the DON, was invoilved in the lies. What they needed to do was lay off a nurse, a guy on 3-11, but instead figured it was easier to fire me. I was in the union, they stood by me the whole time. Insubordination was the charge, along with a sundry list of lies as well. I filed for unemployment, they fought it, we(the union and I) fought back, seems the administrative law judge saw it my way. Unemployment granted. Arbitration requested, (never had been so scared in my life!), date set. Was fired in the summer, arbitration in mid-fall, and won just into the new year! Six months of back pay was given to me! Paid to me, by the liars, for sitting at home! Had to pay unemployment back, but the rest was mine. I walked back into that hospital with my head held high! Best part, the DON WAS CANNED, The ADMINISTRATOR CANNED! I stayed a few months to prove my point and left for way greener pastures!

So if you are really innocent, I say fight, and fight back hard. Lies have to be written down, the truth is remembered easily!:up:

Specializes in LTC, Rehab.

I believe you, and I'm sorry. As some others have said, maybe it'll be much better if you get a job somewhere else. And maybe you have a case against them. And maybe they just don't DESERVE you!

First let me say that I am so sorry this happened to you! What you're describing sounds too slick to have been the first time it has happened to someone. Has anyone else been fired while you were there? If so I wonder if they were railroaded as well! If you could find others with this same situation you would have a nice fat class action suit against your employer...

Nocturne I just went back and read some of your posts - could the nurse who turned you in about the heparin issue be the one who was behind all of this? If so, who else did she not like and have they been fired too?

I don't mean to be discouraging about that prospect. It may be just a bit more difficult to find a lawyer who is willing to take your wrongful termination case in a will to work state.

admittedly, i was incredibly lucky.

not only did i retain a nurse attorney (who specialized in employment law), she took my case on contigency...

requesting only a small retainer fee.

but what i did, is the very first time i had received a bogus warning, i had emailed corporate...who were new owners of this facility.

1-2 months prior, i was interviewed by someone from the state...it was my interview that resulted in the facility getting a lot of trouble.

add to that, i had been a witness to a nurse being electrocuted...and my deposition also resulted in unfavorable implications to the facility.

so the admin wanted me gone, and i made sure i covered myself, sharing my suspicions with the admin's boss(es).

when the lawyer saw all the documentation i had, along with excellent evals, no prior write-ups, being there sev'l yrs, she knew i was wrongfully let go.

they (former employer) also contested my unemployment, but i easily won.

i carried that 'fury' at the injustice, for yrs.

i saw sides of people that i never thought existed...some were so-called, close friends that i saw outside of work.

i just never imagined some of these people, would turn on me...but they did.

the only reason i ended up settling, is my atty's mom became terminally ill, and it was me who offered to basically let her go, so she could be with her mom in her final months.

so while i didn't bring it as far as i would have liked to, i got a nice settlement, the admin and a few others were canned, and i was completely vindicated.

i'm sorry for rambling on.:o

to this day, i still get impassioned when thinking about how evil some people can be.

like i said, give time a chance...

don't make any decisions when upset or feeling emotional.

i seriously feel for you, and others who've been ferociously wronged.

pm me anytime, i'd be more than happy to help you in any way.


It has never happened to me..yet..and I hope it never will. That sounds so painful! The last thing a nurse wants is to second-guess him/herself and lose confidence. I'm sorry it happened to you..But i always believe there's a reason for everything so hang in there and it will get better! ;)

Specializes in Psych , Peds ,Nicu.

Moral of the story , it doesn't matter how good you are , if the powers that be are intent on terminating you they will . You will find your "friends " turning on you , as they will not want to become the next target .

Specializes in Hospice / Ambulatory Clinic.

I quit a job after 1 week after they manage to find a list of things to write me up on after only one day of the store being open for business. I refused to sign it and quit on the spot.

Most reprimands and employee write ups are not worth the paper they are written on. Same thing goes for employee evaluations.


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