Published Oct 29, 2005
1,531 Posts
I drove to Memphis and saw what the area was like and it is no where near as bad as some folks were saying. I am now officially excited about this and I'm anxious to get to January! Now to get uniforms, ID's, get money for books, oh and pass calculus. So much to do. anyone else attend orientation or have a date coming up?
321 Posts
I'm glad that you're able to put some of your fears to rest! I'm sure everything
will work out fine. Good luck with calculus!
303 Posts
Sounds like it went pretty well!! Good luck with calculus! My orientation is on Nov. 17th. :)
Race Mom, ASN, RN
808 Posts
I am still playing the waiting game, but I was in the program once before (had to w/d due to $$$ and kids) but I remember orientation very well! It really made it seem "final"! That was so exciting!
I'm glad that you are finding it better (sure beats finding it worse!) than you expected.
How much longer for calculus? Are you doing the once a week drive?
Keep us updated!!
I am still playing the waiting game, but I was in the program once before (had to w/d due to $$$ and kids) but I remember orientation very well! It really made it seem "final"! That was so exciting!I'm glad that you are finding it better (sure beats finding it worse!) than you expected. How much longer for calculus? Are you doing the once a week drive? Keep us updated!!WoogyI am taking calculus via an independant study course from UT, so I don't have to drive. I have til November 27th and I takr final on Dec. 16th.
I am taking calculus via an independant study course from UT, so I don't have to drive. I have til November 27th and I takr final on Dec. 16th.
Achoo!, LPN
1,749 Posts
I have to wait tunitl December for orientation * sigh*
47 Posts
Glad Memphis isn't as bad as you had heard. Dh's brothers and sisters (all 9 of them!) live in Memphis so we're down there at least once a month. My SIL is an RN at Methodist and can't wait for me to graduate so we can move there.
Good luck to you :)
155 Posts
My orientation isnt until Jan 5th and classes start Jan 10th !!! I do have a meeting with the guidance counselor on Wednesday so I should be able to get lots of info from her. I have a huge packet of stuff to fill out and my physical is on Friday.
I am still playing the waiting game, but I was in the program once before (had to w/d due to $$$ and kids) but I remember orientation very well! It really made it seem "final"! That was so exciting!I'm glad that you are finding it better (sure beats finding it worse!) than you expected. How much longer for calculus? Are you doing the once a week drive? Keep us updated!!Woogy
I am still doing great in calculus. I have completed 5 assignments and I'm understanding everything, thanks to the standard deviants DVD's. I take my final on Dec 22nd. Wish me luck!
RosesrReder, BSN, MSN, RN
8,498 Posts
My orientation is tomorrow. I have to have proof of malpractice insurance, RN deposit in, uniforms and student kit ordered, physical, :)
I think I am all set to do this. Wish me luck
10 Articles; 19,010 Posts
With 8,910 allnurses prep posts, I think your ready. :kiss
Good luck to those starting on this adventure!
With 8,910 allnurses prep posts, I think your ready. :kissGood luck to those starting on this adventure!
Thanks Karen :)
I honestly don't know where I would be today if I had never stumbled upon this site. I love it, but most of all.................all of YOU that make it possible. :)