Published Sep 25, 2005
154 Posts
Today i got a 38 year old patient in by ambulance from a ECF. He had a stroke a year and a half ago and is not able to move on his own. He understands everything that is said and can answer any questions you ask of him. First of all the paramedic said more then once in front of the patient how bad he smelled, it was bad to say it once but she kept saying it and he could hear and understand her. Then as I am doing my assesment I see he has a foley that looked like it had been there for months, with no urine in the bag. He was on a cloth pad that was soaked in urine and had been there awhile. He had ***** drainage arount the entrance of the cath also. A huge bed sore on his cocyxx, and one on his heel that went to the bone. He had a temp and looked like crap!!!!! I changed his foley and got over 2000cc of the nastiest urine I have ever seen in my life (and I have seen alot of nasty urine). He also had a PICC line that had a dressing that looked like it had not been changed in forever!!!!!!!! I called the ECF and asked when his foley had been changed and of course they could not give me an answer!!!!! I guess my biggest gripe about the whole thing is how can any nurse work in a place like that and live with themselves????? Anyway sorry just had to vent!!!!
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,277 Posts
Please do this patient a favor and report this to your state's nursing home governing body. That is the only way things will change.
165 Posts
I certainly hope that this poor young man was admitted to your hospital and that an abuse/neglect report was filed against the ECF or at least the proper authorities notified. I would also hope that the matter would be discussed with his family and they are informed of what recourse they have to improve his situation.
324 Posts
Not to mention the favor you may be doing for other pts in that facility getting the same atrocious treatment!!
1,327 Posts
I would also hope that someone had a chat with the paramedic about her behavior. I don't have a problem with venting about a patient, the condition of their house, problems with accessability due to messes, etc, but NOT in front of a patient, family, visitors, etc... Save it for the EMS room or the ride back to quarters.
Nascar nurse, ASN, RN
2,218 Posts
I work in LTC in Indiana. Just call Indiana dept of health and they will go check it out - they are required to check out all complaints. Usually I go over board to defend a LTC as it seems we always get $h!t from every other nursing group, but this one is hard to defend and it is the LTC's that give this kind of care (or lack there of) that cause us to have to defend LTC in the first place.
817 Posts
PLEASE, PLEASE report them. That is just horrible.
meownsmile, BSN, RN
2,532 Posts
I was thinking the same thing. Do it yesterday,use the 24 hour hotline and report it. And at the least the personel that couldnt keep their mouth shut should be counseled on patient care and communications.
1,987 Posts
That's pretty scary... and it's really sad; as a stroke survivor/head injury pt I HATE it when someone talks about a patient thinking he or she can't understand what you are saying. :angryfire This is really one of my pet peeves.
I can't say it enough, and I definitely join the other people in saying to REPORT this immediately. Who knows who else may be suffering at this facility. I hope that there are no others, but you may never know and personally, I couldn't live with that on my mind.
Hope this gets reported ASAP.
272 Posts
If this were in MA, I would be required to report this. We are mandated reporters for abuse/neglect of the handicapped/disabled.
TinyNurse, RN
692 Posts
nursejennie76, yeah that stuff is pretty hard to deal with huh? i'm in total agreement with you!!!
I've seen nurses in the ER actually report the ECF for stuff like that.
xo Jen
teeituptom, BSN, RN
4,283 Posts
Im the King of reporting Nursing Home abuse and terrible care to Adult protective services.