I got in!


Specializes in L&D.

Hi... I don't really post on here a whole lot, but I just have to post this. I found out today that I got accepted to nursing school!! I am very excited, and it seems like a lot of people I know in real life don't really understand the process, how many pre-reqs you need, and how competitive these schools are. I know you all understand, so... one more time...


ok, like what a coincindence! there are a lot of people i know in real life don't really understand the process either. i have bros & sis (b/w ages of 30-40) & when i told them that i was going to pursue nursing &/or got into a program, not once did i hear "good job" "congradulations" "i am happy for you" "that's great." i got critizism all...the...way bout cost of tuition&living on campus, etc. one of my bro's daughter said, "i want to be a dentist" & he encouraged it!! my other bro wants his daughter to be a chef!! and they all talk about me behind my back - so disturbing.

Hi... I don't really post on here a whole lot, but I just have to post this. I found out today that I got accepted to nursing school!! I am very excited, and it seems like a lot of people I know in real life don't really understand the process, how many pre-reqs you need, and how competitive these schools are. I know you all understand, so... one more time...


Congrats!!!! Hopefully I'll know how good that feels some day! Awesome job, I know you had to work very hard to get there!!!!:yeah:

Specializes in Telemetry/Med Surg.


That's great! I am waiting on information from my nursing school, so I know how the nerves are wondering if you got in or not. Congratulations again! :nuke:

Specializes in Emergency/Trauma/Charge Nurse.

congrats! that's great, good luck with your journey.


Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.


Specializes in Emergency.

CONGRATS!!! I'm so happy for you! I know how hard it is and you need to make sure to go out and celebrate such wonderful news!!! I'm still waiting on getting a letter in the mail...keeping my fingers crossed! I bet you're just super relieved the wait is over! Great job!! :)

Congratulations!!! What a great accomplishment. I'm about to graduate, I know you are sooooo excited right now, I know, I cried, lol...

Good Luck!


:up: Congrats!!! Remember the feeling you are having right now as you go through difficult times during nursing school. You have worked hard to get in, and now you must work hard to get through school...remember that it will all be worth it in the end! I am also waiting for letters...praying for thick envelopes!!! :bowingpur

I would just like to say congrats.....And i found out yesterday that I got into a nursing program as well! YAY

Specializes in Home Health Care,LTC.

CONGRATULATIONS great job keep Up the good work

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