I got my letter!!!


I just got my letter you guys, its real, I know the dean said i was in and all but nothing like solidifying it with a letter. I could do back flips, no actually I could dance like MC Hammer.....Can't touch this ta na na na. (Check out the link) I am soooo doinh the hammer time dance right now. :monkeydance::monkeydance: "yo sound the bell school's in suckers!!!!) YAHHHHAAAOOOOOOO!!!!!!


Its a big ole envelope, lots of paper work, everything is a tad overwhelming but its real.

My new mantra for life is "Never accept defeat"

There are going too be days when I doubt myself but I'll never accept defeat, I was never the type too!!

I've got nutrition assignments due and I can't think straight LOLOL!!



Conratulations:balloons: I am sure its makes a big difference to actually get the letter definately finalized it!!


Specializes in Neuro.

yea mystiqx!!! ! i know this dude isn't mc, but hey, it's allnurses!!! now it seems totally real, doesn't it? just wait until orientation. you will know for sure that it is real! at least when you get your book list showing you need 18 books the 1st semester!!! :uhoh3: (sorry, i just can't get past that one. i am still in shock about the number that i need for a 4 month period!!!)

when is your actual first day? i know that you can't wait!!! best advice- rest until then!!! i know that you are in class right now for the summer, but get all the rest that you can, cuz we are gonna be working our tails off come the first of school!!!

again, congrats!!! i'm glad that you started a new thread for this!!

yea mystiqx!!! ! i know this dude isn't mc, but hey, it's allnurses!!! now it seems totally real, doesn't it? just wait until orientation. you will know for sure that it is real! at least when you get your book list showing you need 18 books the 1st semester!!! :uhoh3: (sorry, i just can't get past that one. i am still in shock about the number that i need for a 4 month period!!!)

when is your actual first day? i know that you can't wait!!! best advice- rest until then!!! i know that you are in class right now for the summer, but get all the rest that you can, cuz we are gonna be working our tails off come the first of school!!!

again, congrats!!! i'm glad that you started a new thread for this!!

hey girl, thanks so much, im so happy i can't stand myself lolol!!!

we won't know any offical school stuff until july i think. i just got my letter and a bunch of financial aid and scholarship stuff, and the school give these free summer workshops and its mandatory i attend the math one since i didn't do so hot on the math section of the nln (which doesn't surprise me) they also have a science workshop and a study/test taking time management workshop. im thinking about doing all three not sure yet. they start at 5 so some of the days my work hours clash i have too talk too my supervisor about it.

but ohhh yeah im gonna get lots of rest in, im a firm beliver in rest, me and my bed are a kindred spirit let me tell ya.

18 books!!!! holy smokes, what the heck!!!!! well i won't know the damage for books, supplies and uniforms until next month i think, im sure they are still doing interviews.


thanks everyone!!!

Way TO GO!!!!!! I am glad you have something tangible. I am sooo excited for you.


:balloons: :balloons: :balloons: congratulations:smiley_aa :smiley_aa :smiley_aa it's official now!!!

i remember the feeling. wanna hear something funny?? i put my acceptance letter in a clear plastic page protector. crazy, huh? in any event i am so happy for you. there's no doubt you will make a super nurse.

now go celebrate!!!! you deserve it!!!

I am glad you posted it loud and proud girlfriend!! You deserve some props. I'm doin' Hammer time with you...na na na na na..you rock, you rock!

aww thanks guys, you guys all rock, never thought I'd have my own online cheerleading squad lol, you've been really supportive and I appreciate it!!! You all will make excellent nurses too.

starbaby no worries, i've half a mind too high tail it to target today and buy a frame for my letter lol.

Congrats!!!!!! That's so exciting!:yelclap:

Congrats mystiqx!! You're on your way. Rock that hammer time girl!

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