I am a ER nurse. I have worked in the ER for a year with the exception of being on maternity leave for a short time. three days ago , I gave the wrong contrast to a pt going into ct scan. the conteast was supose to be water soluable. That perticular contrast is not carries in the ER and I had never used it before, but since the patient had a possible perliferated bowl that is the contrast I was to use. The pt ended up fine, but I made the big mistake. after that the next day we had a pt getting ready to head up the stairs to be admitted to the hospital. He was still in the ER waiting for his bed to become available. He was being admitted for DKA. I was monitering his blood sugar and giving him fluids that were perscribed. the charge nurse got ahold of the chart half way through the shift and asked why the pt was not ordered a ICU bed by the docter. I had failed the recognize how critical the pt was by his labs. I guess the ER is not cut out for me, I keep making these mistakes. now I am scheduled for a meeting with managment and human resources tomarrow. I know they are going to terminate me and I am so worried about how this will look to future employers, and if I will ever be able to get another job? I am so stressed right now, I am not sure what to do? Does anybody have any advise??