Published Oct 7, 2005
1 Post
Hello to everybody! This is my 1st time to share my thoughts here and unfortunately, at this moment, these are bad thoughts about my recent nclex:sniff: . I took nclex last sep. 21 and was very anxious to know my result so I used the quick results to view it. And the 1st thing my eye saw after the window popped out was STATUS: FAIL:smackingf . I almost cry! I'm still in the stage of denial, and at times bargaining(with nobody, unfotunately!). I may sound very common, u might tell that what am i sulking at when i'm not the only one who failed, but admit it (to those who also failed...)that it really feels bad. And it relieves the aching here down my throat to share it to others who also felt the same way at one point in their life. I hope I make friends here, and some advice on how I should improve myself and...eventually pass...
391 Posts
hi, i'm sorry that you failed. i know that you are really hurt by this, but you can always try again. if you know why you failed-what you are weak in, focus on that so that you will pass the next time. do lots of practice questions. if you correct whatever went wrong the first time, you should pass the next time with flying colors! lots of good nurses fail nclex the first time, they keep trying, and they eventually pass.:wink2:
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,745 Posts
I'm sorry to hear that. Best of luck to you.
suzanne4, RN
26,410 Posts
Take a few days for yourself, then start preparing once again. What were you using to prepare and how were you using it?
I highly recommend that you purchase a copy of Saunder's Comprehenisve Review for the NCLEX-RN. It is readily available in Singapore. It is super in preparing foreign nurses for the exam and for working in the US.
You are not the first that did not pass, nor will you be the last. We will help you get thru the exam the next time.
101 Posts
H, I know exactly how you feel. Same here, I failed my first NCLEX-RN attempt and took almost 2 months for me to get back on my feet and accept the fact that I failed. I took mine in July and just barely started studying again. I was in total shock, denial, and to top it all my self esteem went down big time to where I could not even look at my family and friends straight in the eye ( only few people knows that I failed!).. I felt really bad and depressed......but after venting my feelings to the people in this forum, I slowly started regaining my self confidence back and I am now back to to studying. I am not trying to over stress myself this time ( I think that was my biggest mistake the first time) I'm taking things slowly and trying to not just memorize facts but understand them as well. If I'm not familiar with a topic...I don't jump to the next one until I am completely confident with the one I am not so sure of ( like use of canes and crutches...for some reason I just can't visualize them) and of course eventhough I'm already a mom and has gone through pregnancy, I still find maternity nursing to be a challenge. I am a new graduate and I graduated with flying colors so the more I felt bad after hearing the very bad and terrible news of failing. Our feelings are normal and expected but we should not let this stop us after all we know deep inside our hearts this is just a test and what matters most is that WE ARE GOING TO BE ONE HECK OF A NURSE! I noticed too that you're form the Philippines, hey, guess what??? KABABAYAN DIN AKO! I wish both of us goodluck and we can beat this the second time the way I'm scheduled to retake mine on Nov. 26th ( rescheduling is a possibility if I feel like I'm not ready)....Cheer up and don't let this bug you down.
1,987 Posts
Work out and through your feelings, and then get back in the study mode again. Suzanne has a great strategy for those taking the NCLEX. Ask her about it. Someday you will feel like studying, get into that mode, follow Suzanne's instructions, and one day you will do fine.
Sorry for the bad feelings now. They will pass, although this is not an easy time.
Best of luck to you!
queen mother
36 Posts
Jhetski, we are very sorry for your loss and I agree with Baby RN2be. Have one last big cry and put this behind you. Get back on the horse and study with a vengance, try Suzanne4 program it really works. You can and will do it next time. Yes, you have made friends, we are here for you and will be watching the board for your progress reports, so please keep us informed.
Give yourself a big HUG from all of us.
22 Posts
Listen up- You've time to mull it over, now its time to take it again. My best advice is don't put it off! There was a student in my class who graduated with me in 2001. She had a really hard time with the academics of nursing, but the compassion, and desire just burned within her. I can't tell you how much $ she spent re-taking the test.... but she did so, regularly. She took every available resource there was and kept on... she also passed boards last year. Now she may not ever be able to go into critical care, but I would hire her in a minute because I know that her desire,compassion and integrity would be the best assest to the patients on my floor.
I also know a very quiet nurse, who took the board 5 times before she passed,and again, she is OUTSTANDING, in the ER/ICU/CCU, you name it.
It's not how many times you take boards, nobody hires you based on your score. It's your desire to do it! Are you a true nurse, at heart? If so, don't you dare give up or dwell on it. We have too many nurses who have lost heart, or are in it for job security,money, whatever. I want someone who cares and loves what they do to take care of my family!!
Best wishes from all nurses.... we all had to deal with boards once ourselves!