Published Aug 20, 2010
90 Posts
i am a foreign graduate of BS nursing. I failed Nevada NCLEX twice.
My first attempt, I had 120+ questions... 2 SATAs, 3 Computations, and bunch of prioritizations.
Before my 2nd try, I really studied hard. Months of sleepless nights... reading, studying, familiarizing, etc.
But on my NCLEX I only got 1 SATA and No computations. I felt really bad because I know I gave my heart out just to pass the exam.
I don't know if the Nevada is really strict on allowing foreign RN to pass the NCLEX or is it just not my time to pass.
I've heard that if ever I want to take the NCLEX for the 3rd time, I should write to the Board a plan of study? Can somebody help me on this? To whom should I address the letter?
--- please suggest any review material that I can use.
38,333 Posts
The state of Nevada has no control over what you do on your NCLEX. It is up to you to pass. Just get yourself together and prepare again for the test. Do not give up.
ohmeowzer RN, RN
2,306 Posts
you need to do alot of practice questions , what the poster said above is true .. you decide by your answers if you pass or not the BON has nothing to do with it... you can pass this .. be positive and do it !!!
thank you for your replies. I'm just confused coz the 1st time I took the exam, I wasn't really prepared.. but I had 2 SATAs... My 2nd attempt, I really studied hard but 1 sata only.
anyway.. I will try again. I am not losing hope.
If ever I plan to apply to other state, which state would you recommend? Thanks!!!
spongebob6286, BSN, RN
831 Posts
are in any city on NV?
26 Posts
hi! where are you in vegas? i'm going to take NCLEX too. we can have a group study if you want..
traumaRUs, MSN, APRN
88 Articles; 21,275 Posts
The NCLEX is a national test - you will have the same test in every state.
10 Posts
Hi everyone! I would like to find somebody to sTudy with me..I am form Brazil, graduated in 1983 with a bachelor degree in nursing..I moved to USA about 10 years ago..(2000) and I took NCLEX in 2002 but I failled because I didnt take seriously.. After that I ve had so many things happenned in my life that I give up.. But now I really want to study and pass the nclex.. Can somebody study with me? Thanks
7 Posts
Hey,am foreign trained too and did my nclex and passed.I will recommend you enroll in kaplan nclex study or hurst review. Thats what i used and it was really great! all the best.
Hi I am foreign RN as well..Would you like to study to NCLEX with me? I have plans to take NCLEX in 2011...What about you? I live in Las Vegas..Where do you live? Thanks
:yeah:Hi MRSPALMERETTI..Can I be part of your group of study? When do you plan to take a NCLEX? Thanks nicthy
hello nicthy.. i don't have a group study and i'm studying alone. gonna take my nclex on february. what about you? i'm in Southwest part of vegas.